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Stimulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:223+5Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: activateenergizeinvigoratemotivatemoverousespurstirAntonym: deadenSimilar words: stimulusregulateinsulatedcalculatespeculatemanipulatearticulateestimateMeaning: ['stɪmjəleɪt /-jʊl-]  v. 1. act as a stimulant 2. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 3. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of 4. cause to be alert and energetic 5. cause to occur rapidly 6. stir feelings in 7. provide the needed stimulus for. 
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181. As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet neutrally to stimulate your own growth.
182. Patients with primary myelofibrosis feel fatigued, and they sometimes take an anemia drug to stimulate growth of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
183. Financial minister Yanchuan Zhengshilang proposed a tax cut plan over 1 trillion, mainly focusing on decreasing capital expense of enterprises to stimulate economic recovery .
184. Willy-nilly spending is a good way to stimulate the economy only if the outcome is judged by the wrong metric.
185. Some cheeses are soaked in brine to stimulate the development of specific fungi and 'bacteria; Limburger is one such cheese.
186. The short answer is. that no concis. statement can yet be made which delimits the substances that stimulate cell divis. on in quiescent cells.
187. He is good at make full use of text, seize one change makes all change sentences, words, and even some punctuation, put questions to stimulate interest, inducing exploration, development thinking.
188. Hypoxia inducible factor-l(HIF-1), which can stimulate expression of hypoxia induced-responsed, is a kind of transcriptive factor.
189. Motivation is inspiration and encouragement, namely, motivation is to stimulate people to have an up-and-up, elevated and enterprising spirit via various forms of outside stimuli.
190. Effective financial management can not only stimulate the sale of products, protect companies' channel of distribution, but also enhance the enterprise's ability of making profits.
191. Patent law is based on protecting patentee's monopolization right thereby stimulate invention and creation, and provide legal support for us to use patent better.
192. Polymethyl methacrylate was used to stimulate squeezing. The results prove that polymethylmethacrylate is one of the hot plastic materials which has good op...
193. Based on the history matching, we stimulate the development effectiveness of various well stimulation, predict 7 kinds of development programs.
194. Methods: Feed male ICR rats with cold- food diet under cool dry environment, stimulate with electric foot shocks to establish abnormal savda syndrome animal model in Uighur medicine.
195. Anaemia: The content of banana iron is high(, can stimulate the hemochrome in the blood.
196. Objective. To determine the expression of leptin and its functional receptor in herniated disc tissues, and to elucidate whether leptin can stimulate rat NP cells to proliferate in vitro.
197. Appropriate feeding practices stimulate bonding with the caregiver and psycho-social development.
198. But low rates have not yet stimulate stimulated the depressed market.
199. Tourmaline socks to stimulate the adoption of plantar reflex zone, the promotion of effective micro-circulation in the feet, can be achieved with a similar foot.
200. Aso has vowed to stimulate Japan's domestic economy, possibly by increasing government expenditures. Opponents say he will slow the pace of economic reforms Japan sorely needs.
201. So how to stimulate users to improve their cognition of the new strategies is the key step to new searching product promotion.
202. Person is alive for what to being?Insipid?Silent?Stimulate?Than having been of no reputation should rather for a lifetime to come down with regard to upright upright dying very all self's life !
203. Recalling my consumption, the current round of real estate consumer hot "chain-type" stimulate early light consumer durables consumption hot with terms.
204. You'll need to stimulate your partner rhythmically in order give her multiple mind-blowing orgasms.
205. With the fuzzy ratiocinative method, the fuel quantity curve of the boiler startup process has been optimized, combining the stimulate computing and stress analyse of the process.
206. The idea of using scrip to stimulate spending dates back to the 1890s, when Silvio Gesell wrote a series of books related to monetary system reform.
207. Results VEGF, as a mitogen specifically for endothelial cells, could strongly stimulate angiogenesis as well as vascular permeability, especially in hypoxia state.
208. Some guys find it easier to stimulate the G-spot with various toys. Any dildo can be used for this, but the ones that are best suited for G-spot stimulation are hard and curved.
209. CONCLUSION: Xeno-MLR is weaker than allo-MLR. Xenogenic cells can only stimulate T cells through indirect pathway.
210. Because eggs follicular because follicle-stimulating hormone stimulation and increase, these hormone drugs help secreting estrogen that stimulate uterine cervix.
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