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Sensibility in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-09-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: credibilityflexibilityabilitystabilityliabilitycapabilitydisabilityreliabilityMeaning: [‚sensə'bɪlətɪ]  n. 1. mental responsiveness and awareness 2. refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions 3. (physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation. 
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1. Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility.
2. No one with sensibility would buy the book.
3. You should marry intellect with sensibility in dealing with it.
4. With sharp eyes and keen sensibility, she has uncompromisingly tackled the hot issues in China.
5. Trust your own palate and your own sensibility.
6. He revealed also the most unexpected sensibility.
7. Kenneth Clark demonstrated this development of an evolving sensibility to nature in his lectures, Landscape into Art, published in 1949.
8. That contrast of tender sensibility and senseless brutality was etched into my mind, exposing the utter meaninglessness of violence and war.
9. He has a much more refined sensibility than I even aspire to.
10. In these novels of great emotional intensity, sensibility and sentimentality lead to virtue.
11. He had the sensibility to see what war now really meant, and he had to power to explain it.
12. If this involves smuggling something of an avant-garde sensibility into the theorization of television, so be it.
13. Visual sensibility is a prerequisite of art appreciation, and a genuine aesthetic experience is both self-sufficient and disinterested.
14. It was a fundamental assault on our sensibility and aroused a horror almost too deep for tears.
15. His whole sensibility revolves around the fact that he was born white and is now a cop.
16. Basil was above all a seeing person of sensibility and perception, responding spontaneously to every aspect of the visual world.
17. Oldknow the man of romantic sensibility came to the fore.
18. Very few people have the refined sensibility needed to appreciate these paintings.
19. One group favored commercial entertainment and the other a more spiritual sensibility.
20. I shall suggest that there is a sense in which the very notion of a homosexual sensibility is a contradiction in terms.
21. But these ideas were equally powerfully present in reformers of more obvious religious sensibility.
22. San Martin, with whom Guevara is compared by some(, led his racially and culturally diverse army with much greater sensibility.
23. But their work represented an incomplete commitment to the new sensibility.
24. From the first moment we spoke I knew you were a girl with great sensibility, and I admire you very much.
25. The Romantics, like each of the other resistance movements, partook of that ecospiritual sensibility in a particular way.
26. The common ground for all these assertions about the real was a holistic sensibility.
27. But perhaps the most vivid and compelling evidence of this highly developed colour sensibility is the artefacts themselves.
28. Steiner's ludicrous generalizations stem inpart from the very notion of defining cultures and history in terms of a
29. And Thomas Hudson, born as poor as herself and just as upward mobile, was gentility personified, sensibility made flesh.
30. Curry is a natural as Long John Silver and brings a necessary larger-than-life sensibility to his role.
More similar words: credibilityflexibilityabilitystabilityliabilitycapabilitydisabilityreliabilityavailabilitysensitivityaccountabilityutilitycomprehensiblefacilitydensitysensitiverehabilitationintensitypropensitysensesensormilitarybe responsible forpensiontensionin a senseoffensivesensationmake senseconsensus
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