Similar words: labor, elaborate, bored, laboratory, laboriously, collaboration, abortion, lab. Meaning: ['leɪbə(r)d] adj. 1. lacking natural ease 2. requiring or showing effort.
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1. He labored under the mistake.
2. They have labored to complete the job.
3. They labored along the bad road.
4. I labored to understand him.
5. We labored hard to finish our job ahead of schedule.
6. Ray had little talent but labored to acquire the skills of a writer.
7. The boy labored quietly.
8. The falls we had mentally labored over the entire trip, had passed without us even knowing.
9. In the forties, many lab scientists labored at their benches pursuing vaccines with inactivated or killed viruses.
10. In an unearthly pink light the stage labored on the grade ahead of them.
11. The falls were so dangerous that most people labored to portage around them rather than try to run the waters.
12. On the one hand[], we labored to perfect a new tactical doctrine for a sea engagement against the enemy carrier force.
13. However that was, he labored long and devotedly on the statue and produced a most exquisite work of art.
14. The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning.
15. She labored on far into the night.
16. They labored day and night in wretchedness.
17. The wheels labored in the sand.
18. The old man labored along(, groaning in pain.
19. The train labored up the hill.
20. The ship labored through the heavy seas.
21. He labored hard without avail.
22. They labored under the disadvantage of not having enough money.
23. They labored for 8 years, working around the clock, building the largest concrete structure in the world since the ancient pyramids of Egypt, was such a monumental task ever been undertaken.
24. The one factor that was actually improving as we labored along was that we were burning a bunch of fuel.
25. Vowing to revamp these structures, Cohen established a separate task force staffed with outside experts who labored through the summer.
26. Before World War I more than a million workers labored in the coal mines of Great Britain.
27. How awful it must have been to be trapped in that room or watched every second as she labored in the fields.
28. Although he spent three years writing these songs, the album does not sound fussy or labored.
29. He developed asthma in his sixties. His breathing became labored.
30. Yea, I beseech thee also, true yokefellow , help these women, for they labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow-workers, whose names are in the book of life.
More similar words: labor, elaborate, bored, laboratory, laboriously, collaboration, abortion, lab, label, born, labyrinth, available, suborn, borrow, harbor, born of, border, be available, about, availability, neighbor, border on, stubborn, red, get about, go about, come about, above all, know about, care about.