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Senior in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+34Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: elderolderAntonym: juniorSimilar words: junioronionunioncompaniondenialeven iflenientopeningMeaning: ['sɪːnɪə(r)]  n. 1. an undergraduate student during the year preceding graduation 2. a person who is older than you are. adj. 1. older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service 2. used of the fourth and final year in United States high school or college 3. advanced in years; (`aged' is pronounced as two syllables). 
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151. Eligibility for five weeks' holiday is restricted to senior management.
152. The government has accepted the resignation of a senior army commander.
153. Senior managers are directly accountable to the Board of Directors.
154. There is a widening split between senior managers and the rest of the workforce.
155. A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens.
156. The senior members of the group appeared to be immune from arrest.
157. He called senior Unionist politicians to a meeting at Number Ten.
158. EWS carried out further bloodletting by sacking senior employees, but has acquired a new chief executive.
159. She now holds a senior post in the Department of Education.
160. We cannot afford to lose any more senior members of staff.
161. About 80 percent of the graduates advanced to senior high schools.
162. Many senior citizens have very few visitors from one week to the next.
163. He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician.
164. Two senior officials have been entrusted with organizing the auction.
165. A series of show trials of former senior officials of the ousted regime took place.
166. Some senior students wrote in asking for information concerning postgraduate studies.
167. A much smaller proportion of women are employed in senior positions.
168. Fraud detectives are investigating the company,[] three of whose senior executives have already been arrested.
169. Many senior politicians have lent their voices to the campaign.
170. Paul visited the local bars more frequently than was decent for a senior lecturer.
171. It is noteworthy that only 15% of senior managers are women.
172. They compete in the senior division of the chess league.
173. The more senior you become in the forces, the more likely you are to end up in a desk job.
174. Women are still something of a rarity in senior positions in business.
175. Her eventful life included holding senior positions in the Colonial Service.
176. The governor is said to have agreed to reinstate five senior workers who were dismissed.
177. Under the new system[], all children will be monitored by a senior social worker.
178. A senior civil servant has been disciplined for revealing secret government plans to the media.
179. Honours were automatically awarded to senior officials just because they were senior.
180. All attempts at modernization were stamped on by senior officials.
More similar words: junioronionunioncompaniondenialeven iflenientopeningpriorscreeningprior towarriorinteriorprioritybehaviorconveniencebehavioralsendsensesensorsend forsend outsend inSenateessenceconsentsenatorsentencein a sensepassenger
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