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Behavioral in a sentence

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Sentence count:190Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: behaviorbehalfon behalf oforaldemoralizesavingheavilygravityMeaning: [-ərəl]  adj. of or relating to behavior. 
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1. You also need an ecological and behavioral niche.
2. They grumbled about having to learn the behavioral assessments.
3. The behavioral scientist has had no such luck.
4. Although our early behavioral observations often stimulated productive studies, they often misled us in our understanding of a specific phenomenon.
5. United Behavioral Health began performing administrative services for King County in the spring of 1995.
6. Review your notes to make sure that behavioral observations are stated and are not arbitrary judgments.
7. Behavioral technology does not escape as easily as physical and biological technology because it threatens too many occult qualities.
8. We can relate specific adult political attitudes and behavioral propensities to the manifest and latent political socialization experiences of childhood.
9. Such behavioral diversity serves the same function as genetic diversity, and indeed compensates for restrictions on genetic diversity.
10. Behavioral therapists tend to rely on a variety of techniques and approaches to facilitate recovery.
11. These men were spread out all along the behavioral continuum.
12. Do not interrupt the cultural and behavioral context of AIDS transmission, it argues.
13. These behavioral improvements occur only if the correct location is destroyed, not if the lesion is made nearby.
14. The researchers measured the patients' behavioral responses while the PET scan enabled them to estimate the levels of dopamine released.
15. For very simple organisms, such as micro-organisms, the behavioral mode is not as important as the genetic mode.
16. Behavioral approaches tend to explain, teach, and introduce logic to an illogical situation.
17. Behavioral modification is often used for women with urge incontinence.
18. The county had told United Behavioral Health not to answer any questions until after the board approved its application.
19. United Behavioral Health, however, applied only for the mental health services component.
20. The therapist can provide structured behavioral, cognitive[], or affective skills training to help clients successfully cope with these concerns.
21. Forthermore, exercise could enhance behavioral resume of parkinsonism .
22. Be on the look-out for these behavioral changes.
23. There were, said McGregor, a different set of assumptions that were well founded in behavioral research.
24. In the end, minimizing fails because it violates the principles of behavioral logic.
25. Studies say exposure to loud continuous noise can cause learning disabilities and behavioral problems in children.
26. Some 10, 000 seriously emotionally disturbed children under age 18 receive behavioral health services.
27. Dyslexia takes an immense toll in lost productivity, thwarted careers, frustration, depression and other behavioral
28. But bear in mind that self-defeating organizations function according to their own peculiar form of behavioral logic.
29. That is, a single schema had been used to evoke a behavioral response.
30. Above all, there is the same advantage in stating objectives in behavioral terms.
More similar words: behaviorbehalfon behalf oforaldemoralizesavingheavilygravityhavepriorhave onbehindhave tojuniorseniorhave a ballwarriorprior tofall behindinteriorpriorityenviousviolateviolentobviousrehabilitationpreviousleave behindviolationoblivious
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