Synonym: barbarous, bestial, brutal, crazy, delirious, ferocious, fierce, frantic, frenzied, furious, hysterical, impetuous, mad, overwrought, rabid, rash, reckless, savage. Antonym: cultivated, domestic, tame. Similar words: wildlife, bewildered, wilderness, bewilderment, will, willingness, mild, child. Meaning: [waɪld]
n. 1. a wild primitive state untouched by civilization 2. a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition. adj. 1. marked by extreme lack of restraint or control 2. in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated 3. in a state of extreme emotion 4. deviating widely from an intended course 5. (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud 6. without a basis in reason or fact 7. talking or behaving irrationally 8. involving risk or danger 9. extravagantly fanciful and unrealistic; foolish 10. located in a dismal or remote area; desolate 11. intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with 12. without civilizing influences 13. (of the elements) as if showing violent anger. adv. 1. in an uncontrolled and rampant manner 2. in a wild or undomesticated manner.

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(2) Many kinds of wild orchid are becoming rare.
(3) Wild flowers and grasses rimmed the little pond.
(4) He was attacked by wild animals.
(5) The woods are inhabited by many wild animals.
(6) There are wild beasts in the mountains.
(7) A flock of wild geese flew overhead.
(8) He was given a wild card for the tournament.
(9) Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.
(10) Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.
(11) He led a wild life in his youth.
(12) They were caught poaching wild animals.
(13) The wild card in the picture is eastern Europe.
(14) Wild notions inhabit his mind.
(15) Nepal is stunning, with its wild, untamed landscape.
(16) The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers.
(17) Peter has/gives/throws really wild parties.
(18) Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.
(19) There are many types of wild mushrooms.
(20) The audience burst into wild applause.
(21) The flowers grow wild in the mountains.
(22) Edible wild herbs kept us from dying of starvation.
(23) The wild cards are represented here by asterisks.
(24) Wild flowers adorned the river bank.
(25) Lions and elephants are wild animals.
(26) Wild and intractable woman to win.
(27) At last the wild wind calmed down.
(28) The countryside abounds in wild life of every kind.
(29) The meadow is peopled with wild flowers.
(30) These pigs are close cousins of the wild hog.
More similar words: wildlife, bewildered, wilderness, bewilderment, will, willingness, mild, child, build, builder, rebuild, boil down, build up, building, grandchild, only child, building materials.