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Interior in a sentence

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Sentence count:170+17 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: coreheartinnerinsidemiddlenucleusAntonym: exteriorforeignSimilar words: enter intomysteriouspainterinteractinternalinterestintervalInternetMeaning: [ɪn'tɪrɪə(r) /-'tɪər-]  n. 1. the region that is inside of something 2. the inner or enclosed surface of something 3. the United States federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in 1849. adj. 1. situated within or suitable for inside a building 2. inside the country 3. located inward 4. inside and toward a center 5. of or coming from the middle of a region or country. 
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1. There is water in the interior of the cave.
2. The interior of the church was dark.
3. The original interior of the hotel has been replaced.
4. The ship's interior was an utter shambles.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Rot is eating away the interior of the house.
6. The interior has recently been extensively restored.
7. The boat's interior badly needed painting.
8. He has moved to the interior of the country.
9. The interior angles of a square are right angles or angles of 90 degrees.
10. He called the minister of the interior and, lo and behold, within about an hour, the prisoners were released.
11. The interior of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere.
12. They brought in an interior designer to suggest colour schemes for the house.
13. The eighteenth-century interior of the building has survived through benign neglect.
14. The interior walls have patches of damp on them.
15. They do interior and exterior design.
16. He went into the interior of the country.
17. Yesterday saw the resignation of the acting Interior Minister.
18. The interior is decorated in sumptuous reds and golds.
19. The interior of the building has been completely remodelled.
20. She led an expedition into the interior.
21. They went into the interior room.
22. The architect laid out the interior of the building.
23. The interior walls were painted green.
24. The interior is starkly simple.
25. They set off into the country's uncharted interior.
26. We arrived at an interior town.
27. The interior is spare, almost minimalist.
28. The interior walls are all painted white.
29. The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.
30. The estate agent had pictures of the house from the outside but none of its interior.
More similar words: enter intomysteriouspainterinteractinternalinterestintervalInternetinterviewin terms ofinterruptinterpretinterfereinteractioninterfere inat intervalsinterventioninterfere withinternationalinterpretationat regular intervalspriorwarriorprior topriorityperiodintentintendin tearsintense
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