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Productive in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+5Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: creativefertilefruitfulgainfulinventiveprofitableprolificyieldingAntonym: unproductiveSimilar words: productivityproductionproductintroductionproduceproducerprotectiveintroduceMeaning: [prə'dʌktɪv]  adj. 1. producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly) 2. having the ability to produce or originate 3. yielding positive results 4. marked by great fruitfulness. 
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181. Railway Bridge area most productive with chub from Rother mouth on pole and maggot.
182. Classes emerge when the productive capacity of society expands beyond the level required for subsistence.
183. The discoveries confirm a significant new productive fairway in the Upper Magdalena Basin.
184. The simple reason for that is that farmers put their most marginal and least productive land into set-aside.
185. How do they arrange the patterning of their domestic environment, their settlements, their houses, their productive and reproductive activities?
186. On the contrary, I'd say they are more aware of standards in a productive and hopeful way.
187. The state is passive in the productive system, allowing private actors to operate in a relatively unconstrained manner.
188. It is competition which forces firms to adopt the most efficient productive techniques.
189. Giving you the freedom to be more creative and productive.
190. The accumulation of capital, and hence the ownership of capital, was central in harnessing the productive power of mechanical energy.
191. No man is perfect, but men are creative, inventive and productive, and have created a wonderful human world. Dr T.P.Chia 
192. Mr Mugabe can not fail to understand the consequence of redistribution of the country's most productive land to subsistence farmers.
193. He has challenged his Democratic opponent in electorally more productive areas, such as public funding for abortions.
194. Nevertheless, everyone agreed that the meetings were productive; at least, that was the word they used.
195. I use e-mail a lot, and have had many productive philosophical discussions this way.
196. The most productive coalfields in Great Britain in the 1980s were on the eastern flanks of the Pennines.
197. Undoubtedly suffers from insomnia and when he does sleep his dream life must be productive, distorted,[] and possibly frightening.
198. In capitalist society: The development of the productive forces is by no means a smoothly rising curve.
199. It also means that you've spent a productive few hours studying, which is a major contribution to your weekly workload.
200. The longer seed is allowed to form in the pods, the shorter the productive life of the plants will be.
201. It is a subtle but marvelously effective mechanism for steering behavior toward healthy and productive ends.
202. They also are trying to make apprentices more productive by reducing the time they spend in expensive training centers.
203. These supply constraints are not the usual physical barriers to increased output imposed by the productive potential of the economy.
204. The epidemic will take its heaviest toll among infants and among young adults in their prime productive and reproductive years.
205. Yet the bay is fabulously productive, many times more than an equal volume of ocean.
206. The expanding use of automation may make analysts more productive, allowing them to process more data in less time.
207. But a low capital-gains rate leads to investment decisions based on expectations of tax avoidance rather than productive efficiency.
208. Many of her leadership behaviors seen as productive in the low slack system prove ineffective in the high slack company.
209. When Mr Non-Productive Employee gets a raise, it does a disservice to the productive employee.
210. Focusing on revenue is a thousand times more positive and productive than focusing on costs, which can prove debilitating and negative.
More similar words: productivityproductionproductintroductionproduceproducerprotectiveintroducereductionactiveactivelyobjectivedetectiveperspectivecollectivedistinctiveattractiveeffectivelyrespectivelyeffectivenessirrespective ofactive transportconductauctioninstructiondestructionmotivenativeactivistactivity
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