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Effectiveness in a sentence

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Sentence count:287+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: effectivelyeffectin effecttake effectthe greenhouse effectobjectivedetectiveperspectiveMeaning: [-tɪvnɪs]  n. 1. power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect 2. capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects. 
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1. This hard-wearing material combines cost effectiveness with quality.
2. Bad diction marred the effectiveness of his speech.
3. The effectiveness of this class of drug has, however, led to their misuse.
4. The policy's effectiveness cannot be measured by numbers alone.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. The drug's effectiveness is increased by dilution.
6. They diluted the drug, thus reducing its effectiveness.
7. The effectiveness of this treatment is still hotly disputed.
8. The exam results demonstrated the effectiveness of personal tuition.
9. The inaccuracy of the missiles greatly diminishes their effectiveness.
10. It can be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments.
11. Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
12. To assert this is to denigrate the effectiveness of the police.
13. The key to the army's effectiveness is its increased mobility.
14. They're doing tests to evaluate the effectiveness of this herb as an antiseptic.
15. He may have wanted to enhance the League's effectiveness.
16. The effectiveness of cervical screening: a population-based case-control study.
17. A conflict can arise between efficiency and effectiveness.
18. To improve the effectiveness of democratic processes.
19. So is assessing the effectiveness of local advertising.
20. Accordingly(, the injunction against its effectiveness should be sustained.
21. The 1977 Act places severe curbs upon the effectiveness of exemption clauses of many sorts.
22. Having suffered grievously from biological weapons attacks in the past, China supports work that helps comprehensively to strengthen the effectiveness of the convention. It has actively participated in the work of drawing up a Protocol of the Ad Hoc Group of States Parties to the BWC established in 1994, and has made contributions to the progress of the negotiations on the Protocol.
23. Doctors say it is too early to measure the effectiveness of the drug.
24. In case both parties agree to let the alienator continuously possess the chattel when the real right of a chattel is alienated, the real right shall go into effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement.
25. Click-throughs are one of the standard ways to measure the effectiveness of online ads.
26. The drugs work well at first but gradually lose their effectiveness.
27. Exhibition revenue rose 7 % and continued to benefit from the medium's effectiveness in bringing buyers and sellers together.
28. At present, the difficulty lies in understanding how this relates - if at all - to the advertisements' effectiveness in the marketplace.
29. In a similar survey undertaken in 1974, Greeley found the effectiveness of catholic schools either the same or slightly increased.
30. They are explicit, in Objective 5, that users need information for evaluating efficiency and effectiveness.
More similar words: effectivelyeffectin effecttake effectthe greenhouse effectobjectivedetectiveperspectivecollectiveprotectiverespectivelyirrespective ofaffectawarenessinfectionactiveactivelydistinctiveproductiveattractiveactive transportwitnessfitnessbusinesson businesswildernesswillingnessbusinessmanoffensiveconsciousness
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