Synonym: moderation, sobriety. Similar words: tempera, temperature, intemperate, temperamental, severance, tolerance, utterance, exuberance. Meaning: ['tempərəns]
n. 1. the trait of avoiding excesses 2. abstaining from excess 3. the act of tempering.

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1 Temperance is the best physic.
4 Temperance is the greatest of virture.
5 The old man preached temperance to young people.
6 The temperance movement was at its peak at the end of the 19th century.
7 The temperance league wanted to close all the saloons in town.
8 Wisdom is the mother of kindness,[] temperance and tolerance. Dr T.P.Chia 

9 In these early days Temperance was greeted with cynicism.
10 A function of Temperance activities was to enhance the symbolic properties of liquor and abstinence as marks of status.
11 Temperance, in short, is not a word that figures prominently in the vocabulary of most Muscovites.
12 Until then, the Vietminh leaders had calculated that temperance would win them Allied favor.
13 A devout Calvinist Methodist and strict advocate of temperance, Davies became a patron of Nonconformist and other charitable and educational causes.
14 That grim smile smuggled beneath his moustache; a temperance flag at his elbow.
15 John, your present temperance is admirable but, selfishly(, I am comforted by your inclusion of that awful tale.
16 I found my way to a temperance hotel advertised in the guide-book and found it a homely house.
17 Healthy exercise, rational recreation, better living conditions and temperance campaigns were all designed to morally arm the men against temptation.
18 A mature student, a former temperance lecturer had a problem of overcoming his style of eloquence in speaking.
19 The sunny winter day provided an air of temperance, with a threatening undercurrent.
20 These developments were comparable to the temperance, nativist, and abolitionist movements of the 1830s and early 1840s.
21 Antislavery, temperance and other favourite evangelical reform endeavours became an everyday part of evangelical activity.
22 Marijuana is to them what alcohol was to temperance warriors of old.
23 Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. 

24 The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance.
25 Not entirely sober one evening in 1832, Turner entered a Preston temperance meeting for a joke but came out converted.
26 As cocoa contains caffeine, it would have stimulated the Temperance workers on their way.
27 He was noted for his prodigious memory, was deeply religious, and a staunch advocate of temperance.
28 Turner suffered from asthma for many years, but persisted with his rather eccentric temperance lecturing.
29 He voted against church disestablishment in Ireland, also against the secret ballot, though for temperance reform.
30 In Wrexham grandfather had been an active Gladstonian Liberal, and concerned himself with the temperance movement and local government.
More similar words: tempera, temperature, intemperate, temperamental, severance, tolerance, utterance, exuberance, perseverance, temper, tempest, tempestuous, extemporaneous, france, ignorance, entrance, insurance, endurance, assurance, appearance, forbearance, entranceway, tempt, temple, emperor, attempt, tempura, temporal, contempt, temporary.