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Pious in a sentence

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Sentence count:115+4Posted:2016-11-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: believingdevoutfaithfulreligiousreverentAntonym: impiousSimilar words: anxiousnoxiousenviousobviousdubiouscuriousvariouspreciousMeaning: ['paɪəs]  adj. 1. having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity 2. devoutly religious. 
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31. Censorship, the pious say, is not involved, only federal funding of art offensive to the majority.
32. Helsinki was full of pious declarations about the inviolability of borders and non-interference in internal affairs.
33. Missi were enthusiastically deployed by Charlemagne and Louis the Pious.
34. The question remains in both legends equally, nevertheless, as to where virtue ends and vice begins in such pious adventures.
35. It is recorded that he spent his income on the needy and for pious endeavors.
36. Louis the Pious decided to disinherit Pippin's sons, though the older, also called Pippin, was by now fifteen.
37. What has the West done to alleviate poverty in the world, apart from its leaders making pious speeches?
38. Instead, most books make pious noises about more research being required rather than offering a frank discussion the of areas of ignorance.
39. To claim to have done so would be pious and self-serving.
40. Galileo had written a pious preface in which he ridiculed the Copernican theory as wild and fantastic and contrary to Holy Scripture.
41. Yet in the face of this particular story such sentiments can seem like pious claptrap.
42. But in the present climate that is a somewhat pious hope.
43. He was pious(, and Gregory even recounts a miracle worked by a thread taken from his cloak.
44. Louis the Pious, taking Charles with him, moved quickly to reassert his control.
45. They had to give in to so pious a purpose, and they agreed to wait until the work was finished.
46. Similarly, comparatively few chantries were re-established by pious benefactors, and endowments for masses failed to recover to their pre-Reformation level.
47. Criteria Unless there is a quantitative criterion there is no objective, only a pious hope of better times.
48. She reminded Corbett of a sweet, pious young nun he once knew.
49. Nor had he wanted to have recourse to the services of an Astropath belonging to a pious and loyal fraternal organization.
50. There he fell again into the bad company of pious Huguenots who turned the young gentleman into a religious searcher.
51. Power of Sigmar Magnus the Pious is protected by the awesome power of Sigmar guarding over him.
51. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
52. Economic liberalism, which presupposed equal competition among individuals, was no more than a pious fiction.
53. The text of the Botanical Cabinet, combining scientific information with pious observations, reflected Loddiges's deeply held religious convictions.
54. The tale is inherently a most unlikely one, uniting a pious lady with a pagan fertility ritual.
55. And why, if they are so pious, are there speculators who buy up whole blocks of houses with inflated currency?
56. But, today, she gave almost pious attention to every scrape of the slate pencil.
57. The pious hush in there had been too much for them.
58. And if all that sounds a bit pious, I've created the wrong impression.
59. His attitude is compassionate without being pious.
60. His father is a pious confessor.
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