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Patrician in a sentence

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Sentence count:23+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: aristocrataristocraticaristocraticalblueblue bloodblue-bloodedgentleSimilar words: patriotpatriarchpatriarchymusicianpatriarchalphysiciantechnicianpoliticianMeaning: [pə'trɪʃn]  n. 1. a person of refined upbringing and manners 2. a member of the aristocracy. adj. 1. of the hereditary aristocracy or ruling class of ancient Rome or medieval Europe; of honorary nobility in the Byzantine empire 2. belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy. 
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1. The old patrician was buried in the family vault.
2. He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.
3. The Patrician waved a hand again.
4. He looked taller, more formidable, more patrician.
5. Here, mostly you just get right up their patrician noses.
6. It was impossible for Stevenson, the patrician intellectual, and somebody like Sen.
7. He comes across as being vaguely aristocratic, patrician, old school tie.
8. Its patrician dignity was a picturesque sham.
9. He was reticent, patrician, bookish, urbane.
10. How is your darling Patrician?
11. The order forces the patrician families to choose sides.
12. Though he patrician self - confidence , there was no snobbery in Roosevelt.
13. Compared with the patrician Wallenbergs , Mr Ekholm cuts a bolder , more hands - on figure.
14. But in practice Geneva was a patrician gerontocracy,[] dominated by a few families.
15. Nicky is not quite a chip off the old patrician Oppenheimer block.
16. Their strident moralism jarred with both the measured middle-class radicalism of the repealers and the dominant patrician language of high politics.
17. There the master is a humane aristocrat possessed of a fine library, progressive opinions and a patrician kindness.
18. Originally, ancestor-worship and its attendant family structure were confined to the patrician class.
19. But his presence was every bit as formidable in its modest way as that of the patrician Heifetz.
20. This freedom did not necessarily find expression in forms which were in conflict with the ruling patrician elite.
21. Yet other friends point out that Rawls comes from an old southern family and has a patrician sense of noblesse oblige.
22. After middle period of Qing Dynasty, the proprietorship of soil was changed from patrician to fresh landholder ,[] and management method was changed from slavery to tenancy.
23. He forges an alliance with the duchy of Amex, ruled by the patrician John Robinson.
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