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Knack in a sentence

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Sentence count:104+3Posted:2017-02-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: artknow-howskilltalentSimilar words: knick-knackknapsacksnack barnicknameenactmenacepanaceamanacleMeaning: [næk]  n. a special way of doing something. 
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61. As some one said ... him and Strach had an uncanny knack of supporting each other when needed.
62. As a result, they have the knack of employing the best architects, but not getting the best out of them.
63. He seems to have lost the knack when he most needed it, for he was stoned to death by unimpressed heathens.
64. They have a knack for doing everything possible to rile the snakes and each other.
65. He had perfected the knack of making one really last, for which he was known and hated by several West-End barmen.
66. And his six goals in his four games while on loan to Coventry City have shown he has not lost his knack.
67. Besides anticipating the popularity of interactive games, the two had a knack for designing them.
68. I should guess that your little friend has a splendid knack of observation but no fictional powers.
69. Children have a knack of choosing the most inconvenient or embarrassing times for their Socratic dialogues.
70. He had found in school that he didn't seem to have the knack of making himself come.
71. She has a positive knack of getting one to fetch and carry.
72. Smith has a second claim with his knack of producing wicket-taking spells at a brisk pace.
73. Bassist and singer Mark King had a knack for orchestrating good tunes into invincible pop nuggets.
74. I have spent years using buses, and seem to have a knack of sitting next to some very odd people.
75. The knack of outline planting is to arrange a selection of these shapes in groups that are pleasing to the eye.
76. She has good looks, a knack for conversation, and an endearing New Yawky accent and perspective.
77. She might dislike Piers Morrison, but he had a knack of hitting the nail on the head.
78. He has a knack of teaching arithmetic.
79. He always did possess the knack of slipping off.
80. He has a knack of falling out with everyone.
81. It's the 10)knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a 11)set-back as a challenge.
82. You can choose to spend 3 Sorcery Points to purchase a unique sorcerous knack at Rank 1, like a Carl native.
83. The portable digital device, given to Bush by his daughters Jenna and Barbara last July, contains much country music, but also songs by Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison and the Knack.
84. But young people are incurably optimistic and women have a special knack of forgetting their troubles.
85. The men's magazine praised Timberlake, 28, for his impact on fashion, his willingness to take risks and "knack for targeting trends" including hats, three-piece suits, skinny ties and beards.
86. He had acquired the knack of snatching his siesta in the most unfavourable circumstance.
87. Jonathan is very good at number crunching and he has a knack of delving into numbers to read between the lines.
88. While others may be preoccupied with their responsibilities or goals, you have a knack for discovering enjoyable places where laughter, creativity,(sentencedict .com) and happiness abound.
89. She respected Andrew's wisdom, his knack of going directly to the nub of any situation.
90. Hui and screenwriter Li Qiang have a knack for humorous observation, but the film rambles , the actors tending for too long to overplay the comedy and ignore the underlying poignancy.
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