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Membership in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+20 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: rankSimilar words: memberrememberownershipleadershippartnershipscholarshiptimbernumberMeaning: ['membə(r)ʃɪp]  n. 1. the body of members of an organization or group 2. the state of being a member. 
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1. Membership is 350 dollars per year plus tax.
2. Membership of the club is restricted to adults.
3. The society has a large membership.
4. There has been a gradual growth in membership.
5. My membership has just been renewed.
6. The club has a total membership of about 300.
7. Membership of the union could prove advantageous.
8. Membership must be renewed annually.
9. His name is left out of the membership list.
10. The health club charges an annual membership fee .
11. His application for membership of the organisation was rejected.
12. Greece first applied for membership of the EU in 1975.
13. Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association?
14. He made up his mind to apply for membership in the Party.
15. The country has also been granted membership of the World Trade Organisation.
16. Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card.
17. They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
18. Membership of the club has fallen from a peak of 600 people in 1990.
19. Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed.
20. Membership is free,( so join today!
21. Membership has swelled to over 20 000.
22. The club has a membership of more than 500.
23. The membership is/are very annoyed at your suggestion.
24. Residence in the area qualifies you for membership.
25. We're trying to increase our membership.
26. Membership fees should be paid to the secretary.
27. Class membership is limited to 20.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. She had allowed her membership to lapse.
29. The trade union has a large membership.
30. You can enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership.
More similar words: memberrememberownershipleadershippartnershipscholarshiptimbernumberchamberlimber upa number ofany number ofcitizenshiprelationshipchampionshipto the number ofa large number ofharshhipin memory offrom memorychipwhipembraceassembleassemblyresembleshitembarrassedshift
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