Synonym: being, human, man, one, personal, separate, single, special. Antonym: entire, general, whole. Similar words: residual, divide, divine, division, gradually, skydiving, india, Indian. Meaning: [‚ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊəl] n. 1. a human being 2. a single organism. adj. 1. being or characteristic of a single thing or person 2. separate and distinct from others of the same kind 3. characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing 4. concerning one person exclusively.
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91, Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.
92, What a strange individual!
93, The book recommends that you sign 'Yours sincerely' if you are sending the letter to a named individual.
94, The political subtext of her novel is a criticism of government interference in individual lives.
95, Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy.
96, We regret that we cannot deal with queries on individual cases.
97, His writings are concerned with religious phenomena at the individual level.
98, Welfare payments cease as soon as an individual starts a job.
99, The tussle to free the individual from the nanny state is still far from won.
100, The motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time.
101, This behaviour is based on a conflict between two opposing forces within the individual.
102, The team appraisal is a logical extension of the individual appraisal interview.
103, Eating habits are bound to vary from individual to individual.
104, An individual may pass on to future generations its genes for tallness.
105, It's only been latterly that we've discovered that it's lots of individual reefs, around about 2,[]900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
106, The political idea at the heart of this is the primacy of the individual.
107, In a good report, individual sentences knit together in a clear way that readers can follow.
108, All our courses are personalized to the needs of the individual.
109, Twist the mixture into individual sausages without splitting the skins.
110, Teachers have little time to give individual help to students.
111, He's quite an individual!
112, We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children.
113, April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income - tax returns.
114, This book is testimony to a very individual kind of courage.
115, For the same reason ,( our party abhors the deification of an individual.
116, The individual is taxed on the amount of dividend received.
117, The local education authorities have devolved financial control to individual schools.
118, Responses to the individual items are scored on a scale ranging from 0 to 12.
119, Other papers have editorialized, criticizing the Czech government for rushing to judgment on this individual.
120, Herbert Blocker of Germany, one of the oldest competi-tors, won the individual silver medal.
More similar words: residual, divide, divine, division, gradually, skydiving, india, Indian, indicate, indignant, vindicate, indicator, indication, indigenous, indignantly, indifferent, indignation, assiduous, video, dived, graduate, evident, diverse, provide, graduation, provider, evidence, provided, diversity, undergraduate.