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Fondue in a sentence

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Sentence count:33Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fondbe fond ofin due courseon dutyconductcode of conductif onlydueMeaning: n. 1. cubes of meat or seafood cooked in hot oil and then dipped in any of various sauces 2. hot cheese or chocolate melted to the consistency of a sauce into which bread or fruits are dipped. 
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1. Put grated cheese into a 7-inch fondue dish or enamelled iron casserole and melt gently, stirring continuously.
2. Best value is the cheese fondue, and the chef is proud of his Wienerschnitzel.
3. Like quartz clocks, aluminium fondue sets, embroidered hankies and whether the neighbours are taking baths too late at night.
4. The banana mustn't look brown and the fondue mustn't splash when it's poured.
5. Add remaining ingredients and stir until the fondue thickens slightly.
6. A farmer's buffet and fondue evening replace two evening meals during the week.
7. There are also bowling evenings and fondue evenings, and in addition there will be a programme organised by our rep in Kaprun.
8. Fondue is an easy and festive dish for a party.
9. Her amaryllis died. Did I want the fondue pot?
10. Wale : We can eat a Fondue.
11. But I had another idea. Why not make fondue?
12. Fondue with strawberries and angel food cake would be in the ...
13. They also have snacks and Chocolate Fondue,[] which is my favourite.
14. After one evening of eating swiss cheese fondue you cannot stand the smell of cheese for the rest of your holiday, lol.
15. Only two million points for a free silver fondue set!
16. Switzerland is well known for cheese fondue, penguin parades and its multiculturalism.
17. Crush mint candies. In double boiler or fondue pot, melt chocolate.
18. Burgundy Fondue is one of the traditional dishes in this area.
19. In Switzerland a famous food fondue . Here we have a chocolate fondue with guavas and tomatoes.
20. Chocolate fondue is a modern adaptation in _(10)_ chocolate is heated, liquefied , and sometimes cycled through a fountain .
21. We ordered cheese fondue, maybe the most famous food of Switzerland.
22. They are offering the opportunity to enjoy this Fondue every weekend in March.
23. He had promised to cook his hostess a speciality of his - beef fondue.
24. ONE chilly afternoon, my mother dropped by with a small shopping bag filled with fondue forks.
25. Volunteers and cooks in Switzerland attempt to make the world's largest cheese fondue, using 2156 pounds of cheese and 110 gallons of white wine.Sentence dictionary
26. One of the most striking findings, Fox said, was how incredibly slowly the stomach empties a cheese fondue meal, no matter what you drink.
27. If you want to have a try, you can come to Brasserie Flo Beijing. They are offering the opportunity to enjoy this Fondue every weekend in March.
28. If you don't know the difference between sauteing and searing or fondue and frying then now would be a good time to learn a few common cooking terms.
29. The study, which analyzed people as they ate cheese fondue, may also help settle a long-standing debate among Europeans about which beverage is best to drink with a popular and festive dish.
30. I don't think people think of Amazon and chocolate fondue sets in one, in the same sentence.
More similar words: fondbe fond ofin due courseon dutyconductcode of conductif onlyduedue tosubdueddue processdue process of lawend upendurestand upwind upround upindustryindulgestand up tostand up forenduringundulatehinduismundulantpendulumbondpondenduranceendurable
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