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Individual in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+30Posted:2016-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beinghumanmanonepersonalseparatesinglespecialAntonym: entiregeneralwholeSimilar words: residualdividedivinedivisiongraduallyskydivingindiaIndianMeaning: [‚ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊəl]  n. 1. a human being 2. a single organism. adj. 1. being or characteristic of a single thing or person 2. separate and distinct from others of the same kind 3. characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing 4. concerning one person exclusively. 
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61, This difficulty claims our individual attention.
62, The teacher might suddenly address individual students at random.
63, Tutors can construct tests appropriate to individual students' needs.
64, The clinic tailors its treatment to individual need.
65, The coaching is informal and tailored to individual needs.
66, The author stresses the uniqueness of the individual.
67, Don't be sidetracked into discussing individual cases.
68, Teaching materials should match individual students' needs.
69, In analysis the individual resolves difficult emotional conflicts.
70, No individual shall overtop the law.
71, Some individual investors exulted at the record.
72, Democracy implies a respect for individual liberties.
72, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
73, Japan won the Men's 200 metres Individual Medley.
74, Treatment depends on the individual involved.
75, She's grown into quite an individual.
76, People vary tremendously in their individual dietary requirements.
77, Students can apply for individual tuition.
78, The teacher should treat each pupil as an individual.
79, This question is a matter of individual conscience.
80, The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collective.
81, Trades unions are active both in individual workplaces and in the wider arena of the state.
82, As individual members' solo careers have proved, each band was greater than the sum of its parts.
83, The purpose of the law is to protect the right of the individual.
84, It's up to the government to uphold the rights of individual citizens.
85, His philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual.
86, Individual pieces of text can be cut and pasted to their correct position.
87, The complexity and costliness of the judicial system militate against justice for the individual.
88, It is a very hierarchical company and there's little place for individual initiative.
89, Tourism is up, jobs are up(, individual income is up.
90, The company said the debt was accumulated during its acquisition of nine individual businesses.
More similar words: residualdividedivinedivisiongraduallyskydivingindiaIndianindicateindignantvindicateindicatorindicationindigenousindignantlyindifferentindignationassiduousvideodivedgraduateevidentdiverseprovidegraduationproviderevidenceprovideddiversityundergraduate
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