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Residual in a sentence

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Sentence count:247Posted:2016-10-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: balanceremainderresiduaryresidueresiduumrestSimilar words: residentpresidentresidencepresidencyresidentialpresidentialassiduousgraduallyMeaning: [rɪ'zɪdjʊəl]  n. 1. something left after other parts have been taken away 2. (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing. adj. relating to or indicating a remainder. 
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(1) Reluctant to lose residual temperature, forgetting the scar is still in pain.
(2) I still felt some residual bitterness ten years after my divorce.
(3) There are still a few residual problems with the computer program.
(4) This would explain the much lower residual pressures.
(5) Equity shares represent the residual interest in a company.
(6) This is because shareholders are residual claimants to the value of the firm.
(7) They told a jury Tuesday of these residual symptoms after assaults by Richard Allen Davis.
(8) Residual scenes from dreadful other memories play like lice inside veins I hardly dare look on as mine.
(9) In plexuses with amyloid deposits, some residual ganglion cells showed degenerative changes.
(10) At the end of the lease term, the residual value of the asset will belong to the lessee.
(11) In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation.
(12) Considerable excess residual variation was found in the rate of sickness absence for short spells.
(13) There is much residual truth in these popular conceptions and we shall find them useful, subject to some refinement.
(14) The residual plutonium is apparently being held in the form of highly radioactive waste.
(15) The residual stress so created enables the bond to release the grains at predetermined stress levels.
(16) Left A fifth-order residual gravity map has been enhanced by the removal of the regional field to accentuate short wavelength anomalies.
(17) These fixed negative charges attract a layer of residual positively charged ions which are free to move within the water.
(18) Next year parents whose residual income is below £11,500 will not be assessed for a contribution.
(19) Have a residual current device fitted to protect the property from the risk of fire started by an electrical fault.
(20) The enzyme deficiency varies from absence of detectable activity to a residual activity of up to 25% or more.
(21) As this comment suggests(, food is the major item to be paid for within the family's residual income.
(22) It has an expected useful life of ten years and the residual value is likely to be negligible.
(23) My personal theory is that the reported goldfish deaths are due to residual effects of these F rays.
(24) Depreciation is provided on all property, plant and equipment on a straight line basis, taking into account residual values.
(25) Its cherry and strawberry flavors give the impression of sweetness without a lick of residual sugar.
(26) There is also evidence that different mechanisms are involved in residual brightness discrimination.
(27) It was also true, however, of the Western allies who also possessed important residual legal rights, especially in relation to Berlin.
(28) With all these men, however, their egos are clearly strong enough to overcome any residual fear of the feminine.
(29) To obtain serum, we permit the blood to clot and then separate the clot from the residual serum.
(30) These reasons rest largely upon the intermediate nature of various properties of residual oil as compared to gas and coal.
More similar words: residentpresidentresidencepresidencyresidentialpresidentialassiduousgraduallybesidebesideson the sideresignresistresilientresistanceside by sidegraduategraduationundergraduatethesissidedesignactualmutualannualritualmanualvisualcasualsexual
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