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Individual in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+30Posted:2016-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beinghumanmanonepersonalseparatesinglespecialAntonym: entiregeneralwholeSimilar words: residualdividedivinedivisiongraduallyskydivingindiaIndianMeaning: [‚ɪndɪ'vɪdjʊəl]  n. 1. a human being 2. a single organism. adj. 1. being or characteristic of a single thing or person 2. separate and distinct from others of the same kind 3. characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing 4. concerning one person exclusively. 
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121, Genes operate together in determining the characteristics of an individual organism .
122, She saw the artist as a unique individual, possessing a heightened awareness of reality.
123, She is acting as a private individual in this matter.
124, Illiteracy threatens Britain's industrial performance. But, quite apart from that, the individual who can't read or write is unlikely to get a job.
125, Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.
126, We need to strike a balance between the needs of the community and the rights of the individual.
127, Reviewing for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course.
128, The course involves six hours of individual tuition per week.
129, Sole trading is where an individual carries on his or her own business.
130, He is an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book.
131, It's up to the individual concerned to contact the police.
132, It is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to children in a large
133, There are laws circumscribing the right of individual citizens to cause bodily harm to others.
134, He criticized the school for trying to subdue individual expression.
135, The services are attractively priced and are tailored to suit individual requirements.
136, It's the business of the individual to determine his own attitude towards religion.
137, Each course has to be tailored to the needs of the individual.
138, lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
139, The interests of the collective lie before the interests of the individual.
140, Their youngest child is at the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.
141, An individual is only a tiny grain in the vast sea;it is the masses of people that are the boundless ocean.
142, The rights of the individual are considered to be the most important in a free society.
143, She won the individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics.
144, Many legal issues are within the competence of individual states rather than the federal government.
145, In the final analysis, humour is a matter of individual interpretation.
146, There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.
147, Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
148, Managing effective teams is a matter of achieving synergy between the individual members.
149, Meanwhile, philosophers debate whether it's right to clone an individual.
150, I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, sealed tight with their glass lids.
More similar words: residualdividedivinedivisiongraduallyskydivingindiaIndianindicateindignantvindicateindicatorindicationindigenousindignantlyindifferentindignationassiduousvideodivedgraduateevidentdiverseprovidegraduationproviderevidenceprovideddiversityundergraduate
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