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Gullibility in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2016-11-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sensibilitypossibilityflexibilitycredibilitycompatibilityresponsibilityabilitystabilityMeaning: [‚gʌlə'bɪlətɪ]  n. tendency to believe too readily and therefore to be easily deceived. 
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1. The newspaper relies on the gullibility of its readers.
2. We marvel at its stupidity, its gullibility.
3. Subtly satirical of western gullibility towards ancient rituals and superstitions, this is several cuts above standard culture-clash fare.
4. Gullibility is another name for misplacing the burden of proof.
5. This is a symbol of my gullibility.
6. Carol: Now I see where Ben gets his gullibility.
7. They're also sheepish about their own gullibility.
8. Janice: You seem to have a large gullibility line.
9. Second, never underestimate the gullibility of the media.
10. A neat illustration of the fact that gullibility seems to be a disease of other people was provided by Martin Gardner, a great American debunker of pseudoscience, who died this year.
11. Open-mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore used as a tool to manipulate people's beliefs.
12. Open-mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore used as a tool to manipulate people's beliefs. Daschmann has stated a reason for this gullibility .
13. Gullibility : Measure of speed of paper adhesive bonding and its strength.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Open - mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore as a tool to manipulate people's beliefs.
15. Was she taking part of the blame for her own gullibility?
16. These self-styled complementary therapists make a fortune out of preying on the gullibility of often very sick people.
17. Hill people, valley people, what does it matter if gullibility remains unaffected by our environments?
18. Unfortunately, he also has a tendency to bring self - destruction, bureaucracies,[] and gullibility too.
19. Per the Zetas, both Project Camelot and the Horizon Project to test the public's gullibility.
20. While his compassion spoke volumes of the quality of his character, his inherent gullibility and trusting nature were easily exploited by the less scrupulous in the field of politics.
21. On bad days, they will bring deception, disappearances, and gullibility .
22. The tactic was groundbreaking because it doesn't rely on malware; instead it takes advantage of computer users' gullibility to collect information like credit-card numbers and passwords.
23. People make money from it due to human weakness, human greed and human gullibility .
24. Grumpy people paid closer attention to details, showed less gullibility, were less prone to errors of judgment and formed higher-quality, persuasive arguments than their happy counterparts.
25. And believe me, after all these murders of which your family will be accused, her gullibility will be apparent, and even the King, her son, will no longer be able to trust her.
26. Smith says his study and others reassure him that advertising to children is not "sinful or wicked", but, he concedes, one should "be mindful of the gullibility of young children".
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