Similar words: enthusiastically, dramatically, euphemistically, statically, mystical, practically, fanatically, erratically. Meaning: adv. in a drastic manner.
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61. All this changes drastically in industrial societies, where the economy is perpetually expanding.
62. It was drastically restored in the late nineteenth century from a ruined condition and with the aid of drawings.
63. The size of the army was drastically reduced to 273 officers and 9, 999 enlisted men.
64. So far, the market for electric cars is drastically limited by the cars' high cost and limited range.
65. It is less demanding on the people involved and offers less chance of something going drastically wrong.
66. In a few years the number of BSE infected cattle is expected to drastically fall.
67. Dumping the air from one line into another at a 90-degree angle creates turbulence and can drastically reduce air flow.
68. This would drastically alter the emphasis of most campaign fund-raising operations and increase the ability of individuals to affect the outcomes.
69. Where evidence is thin, individual men seem to stand out heroically, taking decisions which drastically and simply shape historical events.
70. This introduction of a second order of system drastically alters what is being claimed for semiology.
70. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
71. But if marriage patterns were to be drastically altered, significant changes in the social structure would occur.
72. Those who stared through telescopes or field glasses saw how drastically the two climbers had slowed on the third day.
73. I saw people who came in pretty straight but who changed their attitudes and opinions drastically.
74. Mr Bates, prospective Conservative candidate for Langbaurgh, claimed the fire service training budget had been drastically cut.
75. Once more in conflict with Stroheim, the young boy wonder of Metro had Stroheim replaced and the film drastically cut.
76. Tricks and routines also have become drastically more complex and high-flying, with triple somersaults even on the beam now the norm.
77. He finds things have changed drastically since he graduated in 1974.
78. But since 1985 governments have cut down drastically on the amount they are spending on health.
79. Manager Malcolm Crosby wants to drastically trim the Roker wage bill before launching into the transfer market.
80. She pruned her diet drastically, cutting down dairy produce and other foods high in cholesterol.
81. Mucosal mast cells in the rat intestine are drastically affected by an infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis.
82. Reports measuring the effect of lower radiation dosages conflict with these scare stories, sometimes drastically.
83. Like words, social institutions, customs, and beliefs all change drastically over time.
84. Pod dehydrated drastically at 16 - 18 DAA.
85. Ford decided to cut back drastically.
86. Field has come down drastically in the world.
87. The temperature has dropped drastically.
88. The most extensive reconnoitering mission ever sent to another world is drastically altering our picture of the red planet.
89. December won't drastically improve your situation overnight (well it will if you take a break) but you will be imbued with more energy and a renewed faith in the unknown.
90. In these neutral times, when we are neither ecstatic nor extremely sad, the slightest change in attitude can swing our happiness balance drastically in either a positive or negative direction.
More similar words: enthusiastically, dramatically, euphemistically, statically, mystical, practically, fanatically, erratically, politically, aesthetically, automatically, grammatically, statistical, systematically, catastrophically, comically, basically, typically, logically, plastic, ironically, physically, illogically, historically, procrastination, bombastic, fantastic, vertical, critical, specifically.