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Ambitious in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+18Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: aspiringintent uponset onSimilar words: ambiguousexhibitionbumptiousvariousobviousenviouscuriousdubiousMeaning: [-ʃəs]  adj. 1. having a strong desire for success or achievement 2. requiring full use of your abilities or resources. 
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121. Their mission was less ambitious than the day before: just to clear the air over the battlefield.
122. A bit too ambitious, that lad, he'd like to see me come unstuck.
123. They were relevant, exciting and highly ambitious in the knowledge and skills they demanded of teachers.
124. But it does fall short of the admittedly ambitious goal of being a unified, indispensable do-it-all communications program.
125. He is very ambitious and will work on his nerve more than is right.
126. Clearly not all the ambitious schemes of the Stewart kings were successful.
127. Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit.
128. An ambitious reclamation scheme on the south coast also came to nothing around this time.
129. Several of the leading journals published articles directed against ambitious politicians who thought more of personal gain than of national welfare.
130. Neither does he know what it is not to be ambitious like him.
131. Buck was too ambitious with his shot from a bad
132. The ambitious couple threw large parties, inviting celebrities and gossip columnists.
133. She had been out with a young lawyer once, a bumptious and ambitious man, and a boring one.
134. Whatever expectations his parents had of him, Valentin grew up the best-balanced and the least ambitious of their children.
135. Hunt's Free is richer and more ambitious than 1959 in some ways, and less successful in others.
136. To reach their ambitious subscriber goals, the two companies plan markedly different image campaigns.
137. Governments, industrialists, colonialists, charities and individuals have all devised ambitious plans to develop it.
138. Fixing Mars would not consume enough resources to interfere with any of our really ambitious plans.
139. They were always worrying about achieving some ambitious goal in the future, rather than simply sitting back and enjoying the moment.
140. Nigel, by opting out of the computer course, had already made his compromise with ambitious dreams.
141. He was very competent and very ambitious, but he was also a tyrant.
142. As if in answer to this prayer one further Pathfinders production was launched in 1961- the most ambitious to date, Pathfinders to Venus.
143. It proposed an ambitious programme of investment and the designation of Cabinet colleagues as ministers for various decaying areas.
144. An ambitious task ... but they're convinced the combination of suspense and high flying drama will bring in the cinema audiences.
145. Jack's hobby was model making and he was currently engaged in a vast and ambitious project.
146. When order is restored over the next few weeks, Lotus will be ready for the most ambitious expansion in its history.
147. The main candidate for the position is Robert Lutz, age 59, an ambitious former Ford Motor Co. executive.
148. He had visualised some one diamond-hard, very chic, very ambitious.
149. My goal at the moment is three times a week, perhaps overly ambitious.
150. Management critique Hart is ambitious but not ruthless in achieving personal aims.
More similar words: ambiguousexhibitionbumptiousvariousobviousenviouscuriousdubiousanxiouspreviousofficiousobliviousobviouslyvivaciouspugnaciouspreviouslyloquacioussuspiciousmysteriouslaboriouslycombinationconsciousnesssubconsciouslyeditionadditionpositioncoalitiontraditionconditionmunitions
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