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Sustainability in a sentence

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Sentence count:97Posted:2017-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sustainablestabilityunstabilityinstabilitysustainabilityviabilityliabilityMeaning: n. the property of being sustainable. 
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1. The Sustainability Plan came out back in mid-July.
2. Community-the need to ensure social sustainability.
3. Have I underestimated the importance of sustainability?
4. But sustainability in such arid circumstances depends on sustainable populations which do not exceed the resources.
5. To understand what sustainability means, it's necessary first to understand what unsustainability means in terms of first-order scientific principles.
6. Some critics question its sustainability and others view it as a sop to pacify the poor.
7. Education should promote sustainability within a diversity of cultures.
8. Development of renewable energy is promoted to achieve sustainability.
9. Strong sustainability criterion stresses maintaining critical natural capital stock.
10. An abbreviation,[] It'stands for lifestyles of Health and Sustainability.
11. Keywords: strategy, sustainability, reuse, landfill, incineration, agricultural application, melting.
12. What about the sustainability of a system of government that combines political authoritarianism and economic liberalisation?
13. The information could be incorporated into a wider sustainability label that covered fair-trade and the carbon labelling scheme pioneered by the Carbon Trust, he said.
14. It would also test whether a certain level of complexity birthed self - sustainability.
15. Of course, disparity between the timber industry and environmental groups centres on the definition of sustainability.
16. Most local NGOs are dependent on donor funds; their sustainability without such funds is doubtful.
17. But it is a prerequisite to economic liberation, social justice and environmental sustainability.
18. We do not therefore believe the draft guidance, despite valiant efforts to convince, has fully embraced the concept of sustainability.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. In many countries aid workers agonise over the issue of sustainability.
20. The four key elements of the Garden City 21 project are described as sustainability, vision, partnership and community involvement.
21. Gummer admitted that current estimates of traffic growth, and hence traffic-related pollution, were incompatible with sustainability.
22. Developing countries need environmentally sound technologies to honour their sustainability commitments under the Convention.
23. Environmental protective measures are suspended in the name of the economy, disrupting what had begun as a movement toward global sustainability.
24. He did pioneering work in figuring out the nuts and bolts of sustainability.
25. Developing countries were unwilling to listen to sermons about sustainability from those doing most of the polluting.
26. Equality isn't a sideshow, a distraction in the quest for sustainability: it's simply the best way there.
27. It conflicts with growth, because growth seeks to increase wealth, and sustainability seeks only to preserve it.
28. This architecture is of excellent characters, such as high expansibility, high retractility, standard interface, multi-platform sustainability.
29. Demonstrate its importance meaning and exigency of applying middle school geography sustainability of development education.
30. At last, it was put into post - evaluation of sustainability of Huai river sea - entryway project.
More similar words: sustainablestabilityunstabilityinstabilitysustainabilityviabilityliabilitydurabilityequabilityaffabilitydisabilitycapabilityprobabilitymalleabilityreliabilityavailabilityvulnerabilityaccountabilityunpredictabilityattainablestabilizeunattainablemobilityrehabilitatestabilizationsolubilityrehabilitationpossibilitygullibility
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