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Unstability in a sentence

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Sentence count:29Posted:2017-01-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: instabilitystabilityaccountabilityabilityviabilityliabilityequabilitydurability
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1. Unstability of coloring material on naturally colored cotton was summarized, upon which the dyeing and finishing pretreatment conditions were decided.
2. The red pigment extracted from Roselle cells showed unstability to light irradiation.
3. The unstability of the forced vortex interferes in the performance of the hydrocyclone, Therefore, a new problem of improving the forced vortex is posed here.
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4. Objective To explore the correlation between the unstability of carotid plaques and ischemic cerebrovascular diseases.
5. A solution is given for the unstability caused by the wide system output for multilevel control of the force controller.
6. Theoretical calculation for prediction of optical unstability by SPW has been obtained and some experiments were carried out, optical unstability of self-pulsing, bifurcation and chaos were observed.
7. Can reflect a sex of inequality and electric unstability that the ventricle replies very much through QT dispersion.
8. It is a universal material state. Its unstability is the basic reason of development and evolution of the nature.
9. Known as the unstability of the stannous solution, potassium permanganate process was used to standardized it.
10. The causes of formation on unstability and the solutions are emphasized.
11. Conclusion The FWBC flag indicates probably unstability and frangibility of white blood cells.
12. Based on the coupled dynamic model for the spatial rotation and elastic vibration of a body, the resonance unstability of projectiles in flight is studied in the paper.
13. And because close correcting function to the error of system of ring , may cause systematic unstability .
14. Conclusion:The cause of many complications after cutting radius head is ulnohumeral joint loading disorder and longitudinal axis unstability.
15. Because of the mal-condition, short time of slag drainage and unstability of slag layer and so on, by the time that the authors of this paper studied such a problem, the temperature of downslag in B.
16. On concrete system designs, it has such defects as unspecific irregularity , unstability and inharmony, etc.
17. The original reason of their unconsummated military cooperation was the inherent unstability within the socialist alliance.
18. Its value is composed of cost value and increment value, and is characterized by accumulation and unstability, etc.
19. By the method of scalar Lyapunov function, this paper studies the asymptotic stability and unstability decompositions of a class of linear and nonlinear time-varying discrete large-scale systems.
20. This device can be used to test the relative spectral sensitivity, the absolute spectral sensitivity, the quantum efficiency and eliminate the effect of unstability of source on test results.
21. Spontaneous model with intervertebral disc degeneration was the balance of unstability in modal function, while the effect of genetic factor could change this balance and accelerate the degeneration.
22. The haze - active protein ( HAP ) is one of the major factors which result in the unstability downtrend.
23. Because of the introduction of additional poles to the system by acoustic feedback channel, there exists the possibility of unstability of ANC system.
24. The problems about how using of these formulas, the project choice of the phase-locked microwave oscillator and the unstability of microwave multipliers have been also discussed.
25. Objective To observe clinical effect of aspirin low molecule heparin and nitro-glycerine unit to treat unstability angina pectoris(UAP).
26. The leakage from the crack is one of causes for reinforced concrete rupture, and the unstable crack is difficult to be treated for its unstability.
27. The data calculated by the use of resonance energy and tension energy show that the unstability of cyclobutadiene and cyclooctatetraene are not contradictory with resonance theory.
28. The scattered single barchan dunes on the non sand bed possess movability and form unstability except the high large crescent sand mountain.
29. The stability of this method is studied and a modified method is presented to overcome unstability.
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