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Storage in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+16Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: computer memorycomputer storagedepotentrepotmemorymemory boardrepositingrepositionstorestorehousewarehousingSimilar words: for agesragegaragestoryencouragecoveragepastorhistoryMeaning: ['stɔːrɪdʒ]  n. 1. the act of storing something 2. a depository for goods 3. the commercial enterprise of storing goods and materials 4. (computer science) the process of storing information in a computer memory or on a magnetic tape or disk 5. an electronic memory device 6. depositing in a warehouse. 
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91. We have seen how staggeringly impressive it is as an accurate data storage device.
92. The front bellend uses an extra hooped pole which extends the flysheet forward giving ample room for storage.
93. As might be expected this is accelerated by heat, making cold storage essential.
94. Check whether an off-peak electric storage heater or a gas fire might be better choice.
95. So choose electric storage heating and save time, bother, and expense.
96. Police reported they had seized appliances, clothing, video and audio tapes from 30 warehouses and storage areas.
97. I can hear them rumble into cold storage down the coal chute.
98. The Isolation Plant is an immense underground catacomb of storage cells.
99. Or you could line the walls with bookshelves from waist-level, with cupboards underneath to provide storage and serving space.
100. Those specialists were left functionally aligned, and remained in the remote storage area.
101. It is not biased towards the way that the data may be accessed from storage media.
102. Build storage cabinets and shelves to hold a collection of records.
103. The main storage medium inside willow seeds, ants and all other living cells is not electronic but chemical.
104. Today there is a large new building on the other side of the farm house and clipping and storage is conducted there.
105. It turned out he had forgotten to inspect my fertiliser storage facilities and was very apologetic about the oversight.
106. The main block of the mill is practically empty but the older part now houses grain storage bins.
106. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
107. The home record storage area holds the address of the first synonym.
108. Woodacon Oils continued to be a steady performer, increasing its product storage capacity.
109. To liquefy them for storage in propellant tanks, a considerable amount of electrical energy must be expended to run refrigeration equipment.
110. National librarian, Brynley Roberts, says in his annual report this is already causing storage problems.
111. Safer handling, storage and transport of hazardous chemicals will be held in Aberdeen on 28 February 1992.
112. The answer can also be obtained by access to the index without recourse to the data storage area.
113. Place tissue paper between acetate sheets for storage, to prevent scratching.
114. It has monitored the movement of heavy weapons into storage areas and formerly warring troops into barracks.
115. The Environmental Protection Agency has authorised the storage of only 8,500 drums in the cavern over a five year test period.
116. Ever the aesthete, he admits that the container looks hideous but he likes the elegance of a dedicated storage system.
117. Manure seepage from storage areas is polluting waterways and evaporating ammonia is contributing to acid rain.
118. Instead, manufacturers are encouraging us to buy faster machines with more storage capacity and better displays.
119. Woodacon Oils continued to perform steadily, increasing product storage capacity.
120. Now one has a healthier order book while the other finds its delivery times and its storage needs slashed.
More similar words: for agesragegaragestoryencouragecoveragepastorhistorydiscouragecourageousrestorehistoriclaboratorydiscouragedhistorianinvestorancestorhistoricalhistoricallyoraldragorangedrag intragicdrag ondecoratefragileelaboratefavorablecorporate
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