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Pastor in a sentence

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Sentence count:127Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Pastorcurateministerminister of religionparsonrectorsubgenus PastorSimilar words: pastain the pastas tostoryhistorystoragerestorehistoricMeaning: ['pæstə(r) /'pɑːs-]  n. 1. a person authorized to conduct religious worship 2. only the rose-colored starlings; in some classifications considered a separate genus. 
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1. He was a pastor who trusted in the Lord who lived to preach.
2. The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer.
3. In 1966, Pastor Albertz took over from him as governing mayor.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Pastor also received no contribution from the organization.
5. The pastor is a friend to one and all.
6. He became pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church.
7. Pastor Braun started whistling again, just as firmly.
8. This frightened the milkmaid and the pastor.
9. As a pastor, my job is to help and to heal the hurting person, even if you disagree with him.
10. Of the pastor, his wife and the baby there had been nothing left but a memory.
11. According to Marie Pastor, Macchio was torn between his girlfriend, Phyllis, who became his wife, and his career.
12. Disagreements about assigned places were quickly settled by Pastor Braun, who usually got people to trade amicably.
13. She asked the pastor, Will you lobby big business and the Legislature and get them to raise wages for women?
14. Richard Baxter appointed Mr. Baldwin his successor as pastor of the believers in Kidderminster.
15. In the former, the pastor or bishop or pope dictated terms(, and the faithful responded or were punished.
16. The whereabouts of Pastor Tokes remained unclear, amid unconfirmed reports that he had been murdered.
17. Pastor Hans Simon preached on the unlikely text that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
18. Oengo chose to become a pastor, and left his university post without compensation.
19. The pastor held the pages close to his face and read.
20. There was no final confrontation with pastor or parishioners, simply a quiet parting.
21. Varley was its unpaid pastor until 1882 and experimented with various means of evangelizing and meeting the social needs of the poor.
22. This Sunday everyone is worried because the Pastor has just given Mrs Cigans a bill for food and lodging.
23. Pastor Braun was periodically called to Berlin to justify the continued existence of the Institution and its inmates.
24. It soon went too fast for him and the village pastor who appeared from the other direction was nearly frightened to death!
25. It was obvious that they participate fully, even in churches where the pastor is a man.
26. By the time Mayhew was ready to become a pastor, the ministry was beginning to lose its place of honor.
27. Catholicism asks diocesan priests and any priest who serves as a pastor for obedience to their bishop.
28. Father Peter Vaghi was lobbying behind the scenes to have himself named pastor.
29. Four years before then, the parish was administered by the pastor in Leavenworth, 13 miles away.
30. Leading the mob assault into the fisherman's cabin, the pastor expects the worst.
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