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Renunciation in a sentence

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Sentence count:36+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: apostasydefectionforgoingforswearingrenouncementrepudiationSimilar words: associationappreciationradiationvariationnegotiationfunctionfunctionaland functionMeaning: [rɪ‚nʌnsɪ'eɪʃn]  n. 1. rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid 2. the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes) 3. an act (spoken or written) declaring that something is surrendered or disowned 4. the act of renouncing; sacrificing or giving up or surrendering (a possession or right or title or privilege etc.). 
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1) The talks were dependent on a renunciation of terrorism.
2) Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation, asceticism and restraint.
3) I learn about the beauty of austerity and renunciation.
4) The agreement depends on their renunciation of violence.
5) This has to be quenched by detachment and renunciation.
6) Maggie will carry even renunciation to dramatic extremes.
7) His renunciation also rested upon a dubious legal sentence of 1202, a punitive measure against King John by Philip Augustus.
8) While military spending was constrained by the renunciation of belligerency, this does not mean that defence expenditure is insignificant.
9) A renunciation of Oliver and a declaration of true love for Miranda herself?
10) The renunciation of any attempt to tax was at once cause and symptom of the state's demise.
11) Desirelessness, or Hindu renunciation, it has been argued,( leads to personal indifference and passivity and national poverty and stagnation.
12) Probably Sukarno's renunciation of non-cooperation did ensure a less severe fate for him.
13) He made a renunciation of his chairmanship.
14) The renunciation of all earthly pleasures.
15) Total dedication to God, renunciation of possessions, the family.
16) He made a renunciation of chairmanship.
17) It is the American renunciation once more.
18) All things hinge upon your hearty renunciation of everything which you are aware does not lead to God.
19) It is a lesson in renunciation which I suppose I ought to learn at this season.
20) It is a lesson in renunciation which I suppose I ought to learn at this seaon.
21) Being resolved on renunciation, on freedom from ill will[], on harmlessness.
22) Nuclear weapons would be renounced only after a renunciation of the threat of war in diplomacy.
23) Though not a natural speaker his pithy style, backed by his fame and renunciation, strengthened the Student Volunteer Missionary movement.
24) This certificate normally carries on the reverse side a form of renunciation.
25) He had been impressed by their devotion and purity, their self - control and renunciation.
26) To me it was his broken spirit that expressed itself, and I rebelled against his renunciation.
27) In British and American case laws, there are two forms of anticipatory breach, that is, renunciation before performance and impossibility before performance.
28) Arjuna, prescribed actions which are performed as a matter of duty giving up attachment to fruitive results is considered renunciation in the nature of goodness.
29) I cannot say that I think much of your great renunciation.
30) Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter Five, entitled: Karma Vairagya Yoga: Action and Renunciation.
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