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Premises in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+15Posted:2017-01-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: premiseremissdemisepremiumpremierpremiereremindreminderMeaning: ['premɪs]  n. land and the buildings on it. 
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121. A NORTH-EAST ice-cream firm was yesterday fined for operating in unclean premises.
122. These consisted of a vague meander across the fields surrounding the company premises, along a route apparently chOsen by Ralph.
123. But in practice certain premises are licensed by councils for the purchase and consumption of small amounts.
124. BankTrak is included to provide daily balance reporting, together with transaction details direct to a compatible computer on the customer's premises.
125. Police searching the plaintiff's premises for stolen goods seized goods which they mistakenly thought to be stolen.
126. Perhaps the most practical advice is to contact a particular person at the creditor's premises and explain your financial difficulties.
127. The Fire Precautions Act 1971 was passed in order to improve fire safety standards at premises frequented by the general public.
128. Not only are we investing in capital equipment and premises, we are also building for the future by investing in people.
129. He was devastated when he discovered his premises had been attacked for the second time.
130. Instead sympathetic competitors allowed them to manufacture on their premises to meet customer orders.
131. If the premises are unjustified, there will be no justification for the conclusion at least, not by this inference.
132. They opened premises in the most prestigious part of the town. Things were going well, but old habits die hard.
133. Simon bought up the costume store and set himself up in premises in Southwark, under the name Snogogram International.
134. The beans for the house coffee are roasted fresh every day in the Fazzis' other premises in Clyde Street.
135. This historical work itself represents a strong challenge to some of the premises which underpin the idea of structured dependency.
136. The Act required the whole school to meet for the daily act of collective worship unless the school premises made this impracticable.
137. The conclusion of an argument is compelling only if its premises are accepted.
138. A more contemporary comparison might be deconstruction(, which tries to subvert the text by turning its own unacknowledged premises against it.
139. One moved out of the city centre and has seen business increase at its new premises.
140. An exception to the protection of the 1954 Act was licensed premises where the primary purpose was to sell alcohol.
141. Male speaker I think there are limits to what we can manage here on the premises because it disrupts life a bit.
142. Mr Small said fire alarms were installed and special voice tapes would tell people to leave the premises.
143. The licensing board has refused us permission to sell alcohol on the premises.
144. Within a day or so the goods had been divided between the landlord and Mahmoud and removed from the premises.
145. Taking over the monastic premises(Sentence dictionary), there and then a hurried council of war was called.
146. The central committee session also agreed on extensive cuts in the party's staff and premises.
147. Bombed out of one small premises, Grandpa had moved from factory to factory, finally ending up in what was now Belmodes.
148. What must be most striking to readers is how little difference there is in these two underlying premises for educational activity.
149. On one estate basic education and general classes are held in various premises after staff have developed contacts through outreach.
150. This enables the landlord to seek forfeiture against any occupier of the leased premises.
More similar words: premiseremissdemisepremiumpremierpremiereremindreminderextremitychemistryemissionpromisehemisphereeuphemismsemisweetreminiscentmiserablecompromiseeuphemisticcommiserateSupremephotochemistryeuphemisticallyprecisesupreme courtimprecisepreciselypremonitionpreeminentlyanti-semitism
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