Similar words: premise, remiss, demise, premium, premier, premiere, remind, reminder. Meaning: ['premɪs] n. land and the buildings on it.
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151. He found Kersey, sitting at the desk in an upstair, borrowed office surrounded by house-to-house reports prepared on the premises.
152. The new premises provided a library and reading room, a model room and a stack room for storage.
153. The banks take precautions to prevent any attempts at industrial espionage while confidential documents are on the premises.
154. They won the day in December when magistrates refused a licence for the premises.
155. After climbing the ancient fence which bordered the pub's premises, he leaned back against the fence for another breather.
156. This would be greatly facilitated by moving the work of this office into the Inverleith Row premises.
157. A person who is under 18 is not permitted to buy liquor in licensed premises nor to consume liquor in a bar.
158. A police spokesman added that the businessman on whose premises the bikes were found was helping with their enquiries.
159. Unsuspecting still, Peter left his briefcase on the premises as usual.
160. He is not disqualified from taking part in refusing a certificate or in granting a certificate for other premises.
161. The danger is that the question of methodology can easily be turned to dogma according to any premises.
162. But the Saturday class for young musicians will start this autumn in temporary premises.
163. There is a somewhat abstract quality about this body which currently operates out of solicitors' premises somewhere in Berkshire.
164. Both craft businesses are run by professionals and courses are held on the premises.
165. The second defendant had made a large number of deliveries to and collections from the premises on Capricorn's account.
166. The premises have been designed with the disabled student in mind.
167. Harvard Securities organised a surprise raid on the premises of Tudorbury's new sharedealing floor shortly after its inception.
168. Developing Urban Quality Economic development in Glasgow requires the provision of high quality business premises and a quality environment.
169. If breeding is part of the experimental protocol then the premises must be designated for both breeding and scientific procedures.
170. Extending the regulations to more types of gas appliances including premises using gas from cylinders or garden tanks.
171. Nevertheless[], older industrial property could be useful for new companies wanting cheap premises and wishing to locate in the cities.
172. Zoning Proposals for licensed premises in the city centre. 5.
173. The bigger premises increased Lotus' overheads, which made low volume production cars unprofitable to manufacture.
174. Electricity, gas and water companies have sought many years for a way to read meters without visiting the customer's premises.
175. But off premises, the pocket phone operates as an ordinary cellular phone.
175. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
176. What is included in the definition of the premises depends very much on the nature of the premises and the building.
177. These activities are based in the organization's Walton Street premises in Oxford.
178. A police officer may then use reasonable force to gain entry to premises and access to the child.
179. Another unresolved conflict concerns possible interference between domestic or commercial users who have installed systems in neighbouring premises.
180. Here, the university provides premises for a social centre For the graduates; the Manpower Services Commission provides the running costs.
More similar words: premise, remiss, demise, premium, premier, premiere, remind, reminder, extremity, chemistry, emission, promise, hemisphere, euphemism, semisweet, reminiscent, miserable, compromise, euphemistic, commiserate, Supreme, photochemistry, euphemistically, precise, supreme court, imprecise, precisely, premonition, preeminently, anti-semitism.