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Premises in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+15Posted:2017-01-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: premiseremissdemisepremiumpremierpremiereremindreminderMeaning: ['premɪs]  n. land and the buildings on it. 
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91. The address on the insurance policy was also consistent with the premises being Capricorn's established business premises.
92. The firm's been in financial difficulties and moved out of its premises in the Brunel Centre last month.
93. Premises might be allowed to deteriorate by the proposed assignee. 3.
94. A lawful visitor is a person who has the permission of the occupier to enter the premises.
95. Note the special rules for service under Ord 24, r 3, which include leaving the documents at the premises.
96. Do teachers have the right to circulate controversial petitions on school premises?
97. And you can live on the premises - with luck, in a bit of style.
98. The London headquarters now moved to stylish new premises at 143, Charing Cross Road.
99. California has required health warnings on all alcoholic beverages and in all premises that sell alcohol.
100. More modest examples of improved services included provision of physiotherapy and specialist consultations in the practice premises.
101. Shopkeepers beckoned us into their premises where we were tempted by sparkling silver jewellery and traditional greek hand woven mats.
102. Over a million square feet of prestige industrial and commercial premises under construction or being planned.
103. Finding herself unable to gain entry the plaintiff obtained an exparte injunction to readmit her to the premises.
104. The LEAs are responsible for capital expenditure on school premises[], furniture and maintenance.
105. A company rule provided for the instant and automatic dismissal of anyone found smoking on the premises.
106. Before 1930, Mr. Nathan owned shop premises, 263-265, Walworth Road, with a frontage to the street.
107. It has agreed a substantial increase in funding and premises for the Department for Continuing Education to facilitate new developments.
108. A business park will provide offices and light industrial premises.
109. Get one of the lads to see her off the premises.
110. The corresponding provision for licensed premises with regard to structural alterations directed by the licensing board will be found in s.36.
111. Roses between thorns: the lock cottage at Witton surrounded by industrial premises and debris.
112. An inspector from the Ministry of Health examines the premises to ensure that all health and sanitation regulations are met.
113. This post demands a high level of commitment in dealing with individual companies seeking sites and premises on a confidential basis.
114. Restrictive covenants are sometimes used in relation to the future use of licensed premises.
115. In effect, landlords have clawed back for themselves an increasing proportion of rate relief on premises within enterprise zones.
115. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
116. The newly inserted clause in the lease required a tenant to vacate the premises on 90 days notice.
117. Often, delayed by the cleaning up, she did not leave the premises until midnight.
118. In Derby it is a condition on the public entertainment licence for all licensed premises employing doormen.
119. Why have you opted for a relatively modestly sized premises rather than a larger exhibition area?
120. The result of committing the breach would be known all over the neighbourhood and seriously affect the value of the premises.
More similar words: premiseremissdemisepremiumpremierpremiereremindreminderextremitychemistryemissionpromisehemisphereeuphemismsemisweetreminiscentmiserablecompromiseeuphemisticcommiserateSupremephotochemistryeuphemisticallyprecisesupreme courtimprecisepreciselypremonitionpreeminentlyanti-semitism
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