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Meditation in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: speculationSimilar words: meditatepremeditatedmedicationagitationlevitationsanitationhesitationlimitationMeaning: [‚medɪ'teɪʃn]  n. 1. continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature 2. (religion) contemplation of spiritual matters (usually on religious or philosophical subjects). 
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1. Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 
2. Techniques of deep meditation help people under stress.
3. Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure.
4. Yoga involves breathing exercises, stretching, and meditation.
5. He was deeply interested in meditation, the East, and yoga.
6. Learning meditation changed her life.
7. She found him sitting alone, deep in meditation.
8. She found peace through yoga and meditation.
9. I left him deep in meditation.
10. He is deep in meditation.
11. He stared out of the window in silent meditation.
12. A study of yoga leads naturally to meditation.
13. This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.
14. Meditation is practised by some Eastern religions.
15. Let us spend a few moments in quiet meditation.
16. He was deep in meditation and didn't see me come in.
17. He interrupted my meditation.
18. The novel is an extended meditation on art,( love and loss.
19. Some people think I'm weird doing meditation, but it works for me and that's all that matters.
20. She swears by meditation as a way of relieving stress.
21. The book is a meditation on the morality of art.
22. Meditation allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation .
23. Meditation involves focusing the mind on a single object or word.
24. There they sought redemption through prayer and meditation.
25. Meditation is the key to energy. Rajinikanth 
26. Meditation relaxes you and makes you feel more healthy.
27. There are four basic components necessary to successful meditation.
28. The process was as pure as meditation.
29. Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
30. A personal mantra is sometimes repeated as an aid to meditation or prayer.
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