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Grocery in a sentence

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Sentence count:176+7Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: food marketfoodstuffgrocery storemarketSimilar words: proceedprocessprocedureprocessorprocessingrocketgrowgrossMeaning: ['grəʊsərɪ]  n. 1. a marketplace where groceries are sold 2. (usually plural) consumer goods sold by a grocer. 
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61 Bernie takes his bland government sedan to the local grocery store and trundles his way down the fresh produce aisle.
62 Likewise, a wholesale bakery believes that it is in the business of making bread and desserts for grocery chains.
63 Whether this was congenital, stemmed from growing up around a grocery store, or nerve induced, she sometimes wondered.
64 One glimpsed the fresh-fruit stands and small grocery store dotting the edge of a small world never available.
65 Willie followed him next door into a chemist's shop and then into a grocery shop.
66 They may also be grocery cashiers, meter readers, pharmacists, apartment home managers and ministers.
67 Nearby is a new little grocery store selling expensive avocados, bottled prawns and kiwi fruit.
68 He had started a grocery list, but only got as far as coffee and sugar.
69 Its aim was to become the single line of spices carried by most grocery stores.
70 The company sells its batteries mainly through electronics stores but is expanding to grocery shops and kiosks.
71 Another drunken former farmhand draped himself across the counter of the farm's lone grocery store.
72 Like all social historians, I find more property deeds than grocery bills in the archives.
73 More than 10 years would pass, however, before it appeared on grocery store shelves as Saran Wrap.
74 Vlasic reported grocery product sales of Dollars 287m last year, compared with Dollars 480m in sales from frozen foods.
75 Hannah was a little less apt to become frantic in busy places, such as shopping malls and grocery stores.
76 Go to the grocery store and buy yourself a candy bar.
77 I was shopping at my neighborhood grocery store with my artist friend, Cynthia Scarlett.
78 The Derby Tonelli grocery store of my mind could have stood around the corner from my house.
79 Nonprofit organizations are establishing partnerships with large grocery chains to bring supermarkets into low income neighborhoods.
80 It was a good little earner, it paid the grocery bills for the week - his own, anyway.
81 This facility is intended to help a few hundred families living in public housing by training them to be grocery store clerks.
82 I walked the stretch of road from our apartment to the Mekong Grocery.
83 It seems as though every day a new kind of cereal appears on the grocery shelves.
84 To hold and expand volume, supermarkets took on nonfood lines,[] products that were not previously sold in grocery stores.
85 Grocery and discount stores give shoppers with buyers' cards special discounts in exchange for permission to gather information on their purchases.
86 She scans the trays of chicken feet and pork ears that beckon to her inside the Vinh Hung grocery near Euclid Avenue.
87 Then she made her way to the little corner grocery shop, five minutes' walk from Jubilee Street.
88 Number 73 was just a doorway between a travel agent and a small grocery store, with three steps leading up to it.
89 Raley started a grocery business in the 1930s with $1000 in capital.
90 The other day for example, at a neighborhood market, I saw a woman carrying grocery bags open her car trunk.
More similar words: proceedprocessprocedureprocessorprocessingrocketgrowgrossgroupproclaimgrow ongrow upgroundcancersoccerofficerdancerverybackgroundconcertconcerncertaineveryceremonyproducergallerymiddle groundcontrol groupcertainlyuncertain
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