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Grocery in a sentence

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Sentence count:176+7Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: food marketfoodstuffgrocery storemarketSimilar words: proceedprocessprocedureprocessorprocessingrocketgrowgrossMeaning: ['grəʊsərɪ]  n. 1. a marketplace where groceries are sold 2. (usually plural) consumer goods sold by a grocer. 
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151 The well-appointed rear cargo area includes a storage unit with a rechargeable flashlight and new and improved grocery hooks on both sides.
152 But no one is going back to mailing grocery store - developed photos or reel - to - film editing anytime soon.
153 Learn how to attach the zipper to cloth grocery bags with expert crafting tips from an expert clothes designer in this green living and recycling video clip.
154 When I put something in the basket, you can check it off the grocery list.
155 You can find it in teabag form in most grocery stores.
156 Department stores and grocery stores are further designed to keep everyone under false light that is florescent.
157 Ann's father was losing money in his grocery, so he decided to close out.
158 After work he would make two stops:at the newsstand to get the paper, and at the grocery to buy a fresh turkey wing for his supper.
159 There hangs straight on the wall of this grocery a service pledge.
160 I took the little list of ingredients he had printed out for me, and went to a grocery store, where I got a can of Red Devil lye, two eggs, and two medium-sized white potatoes.
161 Magazine rack. When I go into a bookstore or grocery store, I like to spend a few minutes at the magazine rack.
162 That big grocery store sells a lot of frozen food.
163 GROCERY CHALLENGE: This helps people save on their food bill.
164 Yes(, you can buy bags of already hard-boiled eggs at many grocery stores.
165 Guillermo walked out of his bedroom at the back of the house with his suitcase in one hand and a plastic grocery bag in the other.
166 Most consumers have never heard of beefalo, let alone tasted it, and only a few Seattle grocery stores carry it.
167 Right after I started making my own bread I found five-pound bags of whole wheat flour for $1.99 each, 46% cheaper than the best local grocery price.
168 One night Bufflehead, while on duty, accidentally interrupted a hold up of a grocery store.
169 If they can find a way to knock out that gene in the cherimoya, it could bring Mark Twain's favorite fruit, and many others, to a grocery store near you.
170 After school, I had picked up Nick and Ted dry cleaner and the grocery store.
171 Two grocery shops and the general store are the sum total of local commerce.
172 Just go to your backyard with your reusable grocery bag and fill it up with fresh produce.
173 In food retailing, chain grocery stores have become dominant,[] drive out many small businesses.
174 Local resident Ibrahim Mohammed Ahmed owns a small grocery shop in Rafah.
175 All grocery shopping bags contain at least one stick French Bread.
176 My grocery list is as follows: bread, butter, meat, eggs, sugar.
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