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Florid in a sentence

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Sentence count:47+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: aureateflamboyantrubicundruddysanguineSimilar words: gloriousimploringglorious revolutionfloutflourflowflopfloodMeaning: ['flɑrɪd ,'flɔ- /'flɒr-]  adj. 1. elaborately or excessively ornamented 2. inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life. 
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1. Tears were flowing over his florid face.
2. Years of heavy drinking had given Alison a florid complexion.
3. Jacobs was a stout, florid man.
4. He was a tall stout man with a florid complexion, who looked well in vestments seen from a distance.
5. But for all his jaundiced egoism and florid cynicism, Rice is not a bad man.
6. A florid, solid woman, Zaiga bore little resemblance to the lithe, romantic girl her parents had lost.
7. A darkly florid officer with black moustache walked briskly through the debris, gazing round as though looking for some one.
8. You get upset in the most florid ways, the most extreme hyperbole.
9. Relapse of florid symptoms and possibly their first onset can be precipitated by stressful events.
10. The later florid accounts of altruism and sacrifice by and about missionaries do not do justice to the range of human impulses.
11. He was a handsome person in his florid, full-fed way, ruddy and brown-haired and aware of his consequence.
12. The bedhead was florid and overblown, its shiny walnut carvings reaching almost to the ceiling.
13. He was a good-looking man, if a little florid,( and an officer of the old school.
14. We count the florid banknotes and hand them over across the desk.
15. Alexei Volkov had the unkempt beard, florid complexion, and wild eyes of a survivalist.
16. Do obeisance to the florid China oriflamme!
17. Come on together! Brandish the florid youth together!
18. His usually florid complexion seemed drained of colour.
19. He was a short, florid man, normally very fat, now very thin, the skin of his paunch hanging slackly in folds.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Florid and openhanded colors, excellent and transcendental quality. Deduct modem people feelings advocating the nature.
21. No document lavishes such florid compliments on this mighty historical achievement as The Communist Manifesto, not even The Wall Street Journal.
22. Swash letter: A florid version of standard italic capital letters , usually used for ornamentation.
23. This is particularly important in the case of people with serious behavioural problems or continuing florid symptoms of psychiatric disorder.
24. I hope he will find time to read it and provide a florid quotation for the dustjacket.
25. Witnesses described the running man as about 5', of stocky build, and with an extremely florid complexion.
26. He enjoys all this renaissance art, full of noble statesmen, florid gestures and people being resurrected.
27. Fred was now twenty-six, also tall, but stout and florid and extremely well pleased with himself.
28. From the flute is eminently suited to quiet melodic work, florid or otherwise.
29. Be careful of salesmen who call on the pone and offer to sell you land on the beach down in florid.
30. Description: This is a still life painting depicts some florid flowers.
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