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Investigator in a sentence

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Sentence count:144+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: detectivepolice detectiveresearch workerresearchertecSimilar words: investigateinvestigationinvestorinvestinvestmentdirect investmentinventoryobligationMeaning: [ɪn'vestɪgeɪtə(r)]  n. 1. a scientist who devotes himself to doing research 2. someone who investigates 3. a police officer who investigates crimes. 
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(1) He was a special investigator for the FBI.
(2) The investigator questioned him and took his fingerprints.
(3) The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.
(4) Hayes is part-time con artist, part-time investigator.
(5) The investigator, bag man and spiritual adviser.
(6) Luca is the investigator on the case.
(7) It forces the investigator to recast his ideas from the beginning.
(8) But one investigator suspected Russell of being an illegal gun dealer.
(9) Thus the wise medical investigator assesses an apparent difference for biological implications before rushing to statistics.
(10) It transforms the police officer from an investigator and enforcer into a catalyst in a process of community self-help.
(11) A social investigator and lecturer, he established a cross-class liaison with Hannah Cullwick, a Shropshire servant, in the 1850s.
(12) Measures are usually taken to shield the investigator from environmental radiation rather than to prevent the radiation escaping from the source.
(13) The investigator has concluded that they were making a false insurance claim.
(14) Gil Galucci, an investigator with the Alberta regulator, would not discuss the case.
(15) Ching-Hon Pui was a principal investigator of the leukaemia treatment protocols and interpreted the data.
(16) An independent investigator outside the surgical team was not used.
(17) They called in a private investigator to help them find their son.
(18) The chief investigator resigned(, amid allegations of covert and probably illegal operations.
(19) They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
(20) The investigator, who did not go undercover, interviewed employees to find out whether anyone else had complained.
(21) The investigator dispatched to probe the incident blamed the Tonghaks for the trouble.
(22) She risks life and limb every day in her job as an undercover investigator.
(23) A mathematical theory of statistical predictors and how to assess their accuracy has been developed by the principal investigator and others.
(24) Topical steroid requirement - To allow monitoring, topical steroids were prescribed by the investigator.
(25) Sacks is seeking to reopen a case in which Fuhrman was the lead investigator.
(26) They evolved rapidly and spread widely(, and have a range of distinctive characters to help the investigator in his identifications.
(27) For each of these components of primary education the investigator is concerned to improve the quality of initial training.
(28) The subject of the test had to tell the investigator which way the spots were drifting.
(29) William Evans designed pharmacological studies and was a principal investigator on the primary leukaemia protocol.
(30) Gerstein did not know what was in the records, but his chief investigator, Martin Dardis, would.
More similar words: investigateinvestigationinvestorinvestinvestmentdirect investmentinventoryobligationinventinventionharvestinveteratesenatoroperatoreducatorelevatorpredatorregulatorindicatorregulatorylegislatorlaboratorycoordinatorrefrigeratorconciliatoryrestoreadministratortestingquestiontestify
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