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Evacuate in a sentence

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Sentence count:77+5Posted:2016-12-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: abandondepartemptyleavequitremovevacatewithdrawSimilar words: evaluatevacuumevaluationvacatevacillateejaculateadequategraduateMeaning: [ɪ'vækjʊeɪt]  v. 1. move out of an unsafe location into safety 2. empty completely 3. move people from their homes or country 4. create a vacuum in (a bulb, flask, reaction vessel) 5. excrete or discharge from the body. 
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31. She wanted to evacuate all of her family from the North.
32. We had to evacuate because they were afraid it was going to crack.
33. Why the chamber should have decided to evacuate after half-a-million years stability remains a matter of conjecture.
34. A: I meant just-I meant only that the only means I could evacuate the people would be a hand grenade.
35. Hostilities resumed when the order came to evacuate the cities.
36. At the lowest point in David's fortunes he is forced to evacuate Jerusalem.
37. We must evacuate those soldiers at once!
38. A bomb scare led them to evacuate the building.
39. We must also move , evacuate, and hospitalize personnel.
40. Millions of mesiodens can matter evacuate?
41. Tree - like shape used to evacuate or natural happy stratified two - shaped.
42. Most of the residents of the barrier island town heeded calls to evacuate before the storm.
43. The latest research on wave height and return period doesn't address Padang's needs; the real problem is simply that there is not enough time to evacuate.
44. Two off-duty police officers, Caroline Lowe of the Sussex force and her partner Anton Menzies of the Met helped evacuate one train when tempers flared.
45. As things are, we don't expect to have to evacuate any more.
46. This procedure is used to evacuate the uterus after incomplete abortion, to remove growths, such as polyps, and to obtain specimens for use in diagnosis.
47. The Black Ops did not evacuate, instead the scale of the Black Ops operation increased, as they had secret orders to detonate a thermonuclear warhead and destroy the facility.
48. Preparations in the impoverished riverside slum of Klong Toey, are underway. Community organizers are scrambling to evacuate the elderly and the young.
49. As water rises(, locals use a makeshift pedestrian bridge to help them supply and evacuate in the Hunza River Valley in northern Pakistan.
50. All non - EOD explosive ordnance disposal personnel must evacuate immediately.
51. Credo : We must evacuate the residents back to Headquarters.
52. Evacuate instruction content: Guests, not being more alarmed than , not running, do not ride in electric elevator.
53. New labor laws forced the sweatshops to evacuate , leaving SoHo a ghost town a makeover.
54. Belgium sent its troops to Congo, stating that the aim was to protect and evacuate Europeans.
55. The whole process is: hearing the broadcast of fire protection, evacuate from the fire escape, get together and nose count, sum-up and over.
56. The government is making plans to evacuate more than two hundred of its citizens from the troubled area.
57. Most of the residents of the barrier island town heeded calls to evacuate before the storm. President Bush told them to stay away until it is safe to return.
58. When Takel evacuated the Death Star II, he boarded the Chimaera, joining up with Captain Gilad Pellaeon and agreeing with his order to evacuate from the battlefield.
59. The Chinese embassy has tried to contact related authorities to help evacuate the Chinese from Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, the report said.
60. Attention: all passengers inside the term, evacuate the building immediately. Repeat.
More similar words: evaluatevacuumevaluationvacatevacillateejaculateadequategraduateimmaculateinsinuateperpetuateattenuateaccentuateundergraduateprivacyvaccineacutevivaciouslacunaacumenfacultymea culpaevadeloquatrevampprevailspectacularelevatorcrevasseequation
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