Synonym: catch, discover, perceive, recognize, spy. Antonym: conceal, hide. Similar words: detective, architect, protective, protection, architecture, environmental protection, detail, in detail. Meaning: [dɪ'tekt] v. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of.
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91, His spirits were so high he didn't detect the chill of fear in Lucy.
92, They quickly detect changes in the visual image and tend to exaggerate them.
93, Barium studies seem to be insensitive to microscopic involvement and may detect only more severe cases.
94, The other class of devices are designed to detect the relative movement of freely suspended massive blocks.
95, Detailed pathological studies to detect subclinical renal disease have not been undertaken.
96, The SeHCAT test has made intestinal bile acid malabsorption much more easy to detect.
97, Not by one word or look can we detect any change in the demeanor of these Negro servants.
98, Others use magnetic resonance imaging, like those used to find tissue damage in humans, to detect explosives.
99, It can detect sudden increases in water consumption, such as leaks.
100, Other chips may detect the presence of moulds or harmful bacteria.
101, Astrometry can also detect small wobbles in the motions of stars that may reveal unseen companion stars or large planets.
102, Though the yellow tomatoes are pretty, I couldn't detect much difference in flavor.
103, Until the results of long term follow up are available the ability of our creatine kinase assay to detect Becker cases remains uncertain.
104, I looked at her across the counter and tried to detect some glimmer of unexplained Highland intuition.
105, There was considerable cloud cover, but he could still detect the blue-green out-lines of the Gold Coast.
106, However, it is difficult to detect early Wilson's disease, since caeruloplasmin activity is low in the newborn period.
107, On the first issue, teachers are obviously in a crucial position to detect cases of abuse of children in their care.
108, Satellite and buoy data can now detect a developing El Nino eight or nine months before that.
108, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
109, Yet, without altering the basic components of the mix, it was possible to detect a shift in the nuances.
110, These fleshy appendages are used to detect and taste food amongst the weed and debris on the bottom of a river.
111, Smoke detectors installed in hotel corridors have an alarming ability not to detect smoke.
112, Topological feature based methods detect and code straight lines and the orientation of strokes.
113, It abandons the attempt to detect a class struggle between exploiters and exploited within advanced capitalism.
114, More recently, however, I detect a considerable increase in concern.
115, The thought of Miss Coldharbour's cool glance sweeping her face to detect any sign of tears aided her self-control.
116, Even under the microscope, it is hard to detect any structure, because of the bewildering variety of nerve fibres criss-crossing one another.
117, Experts on noble lineage detect a change in the thirty six year old heir.
118, Reaching these wells will involve linking the drill to sophisticated sensing devices which can detect oil-bearing formations.
119, Clinical symptoms and signs were poor indicators of the investigations that will detect a cause for the anaemia.
120, Some have hearing which is so acute that they can detect insects as tiny as a midge up to 60 feet away.
More similar words: detective, architect, protective, protection, architecture, environmental protection, detail, in detail, vendetta, detailed, meter, athlete, compete, veteran, concrete, cemetery, diabetes, technique, technical, inveterate, technician, technology, contretemps, technological, elect, insect, select, direct, affect, sector.