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Eastern in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+15 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: westernSimilar words: eastern europewesterndisasterleastbeastbreastsoutheastnortheastMeaning: ['iːstən]  adj. 1. lying toward or situated in the east 2. of or characteristic of eastern regions of the United States 3. lying in or toward the east 4. relating to or characteristic of regions of eastern parts of the world 5. from the east; used especially of winds. 
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1) Thousands were killed on the eastern front.
2) The company has transferred to an eastern location.
3) Cash alone will not make Eastern Europe's banks viable.
4) The wild card in the picture is eastern Europe.
5) A century ago, eastern Germany was an agricultural hinterland.
6) The river marks the eastern perimeter of our land.
7) Eastern Europe was important to Russia as a buffer against the West.
8) Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate.
9) He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict.
10) It's in the underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
11) There was a sudden increase in immigration from Eastern Europe.
12) The lake is situated at the eastern extremity of the mountain range.
13) The eastern sky pinkened.
14) I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe.
15) The eastern coast of the country was lined with mountains.
16) The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern extremity of the city.
17) The countries of Eastern Europe immediately started to dominate.
18) We travelled by train across Eastern Europe.
19) Eastern Europe provided fertile soil for political activists.
20) They're hoping to get into the Far Eastern market.
21) There are lighthouses all along the eastern shore.
22) Discussions were centred on developments in Eastern Europe.
23) The building is the symbol of eastern building.
24) He has studied the cultures of the Eastern countries.
25) The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened.
26) Where eastern Germany goes the rest will surely follow.
27) The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe.
28) The education system bears / stands no comparison with that in many Eastern European countries .
29) A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.
30) Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards[],( though many central and eastern areas should remain dry.
More similar words: eastern europewesterndisasterleastbeastbreastsoutheastnortheastat leasttaste ofin the leastpatternnot in the leastInternetexternalinternaloysterposterfosteralternativebolsterclustermonsterinternationalregisteryoungsterministeryesterdayadministermysterious
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