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Prescribe in a sentence

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Sentence count:136+3Posted:2016-12-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adviseadvocateassigndirectorderrecommendsuggestSimilar words: describeprescriptionascribesubscribertranscribedescriptionprescienttribeMeaning: [prɪ'skraɪb]  v. issue commands or orders for. 
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31. Therefore it was not possible for my Working Group to prescribe a single policy which would suit all circumstances.
32. And in misunderstanding itself, it will, in any time of difficulty, implacably prescribe for itself the wrong remedies.
33. It may prescribe the manner of their exercise(, but it can not subvert the rights themselves....
34. Some forensic medical examiners, however, are reluctant to prescribe methadone.
35. If I were my patient, she asked herself, would I prescribe myself a tranquillizer?
36. The commission's guidelines would also prescribe a standard way of testing hardware.
37. When Congress creates welfare programs, it must prescribe arbitrary limits for eligibility.
38. In more serious cases your doctor may prescribe you an oral antibiotic which will reduce the number of sore and inflamed spots.
39. It seems, too, that traditional values that prescribe a life of domesticity are weakening.
40. Doctors should inform patients about the possible side effects of any drugs they prescribe.
41. In some, such as PacifiCare, the costs of medications doctors prescribe are deducted from their pay.
42. There are many prescription pain medications, and a doctor can prescribe any of them.
43. Doctors are now increasingly reluctant to prescribe tranquillisers for fear of being sued by patients who become addicted to them.
44. It was not made in exercise of a power to prescribe rules or procedures to be followed in carrying out the Act.
45. If you are taking any medicines in syrup form, ask your doctor if he can prescribe a sugar-free alternative.
46. It was very much the sort of developmental pedagogy that composition scholars and learning theorists prescribe for remedial students.
46. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
47. She will then prescribe the appropriate treatment for your hair to be used on a regular basis between salon visits.
48. However, when the doctors prescribe a drug, it is evidently science.
49. Yeast remedies are available over the counter, and a physician can prescribe antibiotics for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and others.
50. If your symptoms are severe, he or she may prescribe a course of antibiotics which are designed to kill the bacteria.
51. If people want to prescribe unproved forms of treatment, or to receive them, that is their choice.
52. A doctor doesn't ask his patient what treatment to prescribe.
53. There will be no limit on meeting the cost of medicines or the amount of medicines that your doctor can prescribe.
54. What it does not do, of course, is to prescribe an appropriate style of professional practice.
55. But putting a lump of this crystal under your pillow is the treatment a crystal healer would prescribe for insomnia!
56. Eat extra protein from other sources and take a calcium supplement, which your doctor can prescribe.
57. Doctors wished to preserve their clinical freedom to prescribe what drugs they themselves felt were necessary.
58. This worker can prescribe and dispense medicine, assuming a major function of a psychiatrist, for less money.
59. The legislation also bans the practice of paying incentives to doctors to prescribe expensive brand name medicines.
60. To prescribe nothing could be unethical, uncaring, and perilous in terms of the investigation of the case and the pursuit of truth.
More similar words: describeprescriptionascribesubscribertranscribedescriptionprescienttribebribescriptdiscriminateindiscriminatediscriminationrescuefrescopressexpressimpresspresidecompresspresentsuppresspress forpreservepresencerepresentat presentpresenteddepressedoppressor
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  • Gloria 2023-02-28 16:36:46
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  • Esteban 2023-02-24 15:10:18
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  • Ella 2023-02-24 02:56:29
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  • Ella 2023-02-23 20:57:42
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  • Esteban 2023-02-23 16:04:56
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  • Marcos 2023-02-23 16:01:48
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  • Marcos 2023-02-23 03:06:41
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  • me 2023-02-15 21:39:01
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