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Nominate in a sentence

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Sentence count:80+3Posted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: innominateSimilar words: nominationdominatenominallylaminatedeliminateilluminatecontaminatenomineeMeaning: ['nɑmɪneɪt /'nɒ-]  v. 1. propose as a candidate for some honor 2. put forward; nominate for appointment to an office 3. charge with a function; charge to be 4. create and charge with a task or function. 
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61) Sumitomo will nominate one director to Nufarm's board following completion of a tender offer to shareholders.
62) Each Corporate Member can nominate up to six members of staff to join each activity organised or co-organised by PRPA at member rate, based on the nature and arrangement of individual program.
63) A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors.
64) In order to receive more than the minimum rate of Family Tax Benefit A, single mothers are required to nominate and seek child support from the child's father.
65) Given the principal concern is serialization, it's better to nominate a flyweight or proxy to go into the stream instead.
66) Article II, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution says the president “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint high government officials.”
67) Three subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.
68) We hereby nominate and authorize the following staff as member(s) to receive the bonus points to participate and enjoy the benefits of the BRIO ecReward Scheme.
69) In the lead-up to the 40th anniversary of NASA's Apollo 11 mission[], more people might have been expected to nominate the moon landing as one of man's greatest feats.
70) Everyone knows that whomever you nominate will have my support.
71) These are the same clowns who didn't nominate The Dark Knight!
72) Parties nominate judges, but they are usually approved unanimously by the legislature.
73) Relational would also nominate two candidates for election to the board.
74) But I'm also pleased to get nominate for Jesse James as well.
75) The deal gives WISCO the right to nominate a director to Consolidated Thompson's board and a pre-emptive right to maintain a proportionate stake in the company.
75) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
76) I wish to nominate Jane Morrison for president of the club.
77) Obama last week to nominate a Vietnamese woman in Los Angeles federal district judge for judge.
78) But I'm also pleased to get nominate for Jesseas well.
79) So the weak part decide to nominate him for presidency, even though no one knew where he stood on issues.
80) If the remitting Bank does not nominate a specific presenting Bank, the collecting Bank may utilise a presenting Bank of its choice.
More similar words: nominationdominatenominallylaminatedeliminateilluminatecontaminatenomineedominantpredominantruminationculminationexaminationrecriminationoriginateobstinatediscriminationsubordinatecoordinatedecaffeinatedeconomiceconomicseconomisteconomicallyominousboomingcoming ingloomingprominentdomineering
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