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Modulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:72Posted:2016-12-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: inflectregulatetoneSimilar words: emulateregulatespeculatecalculatestimulateejaculatecoagulatecirculateMeaning: ['mɑdʒəleɪt /'mɒdjʊleɪt]  v. 1. change the key of, in music 2. vary the pitch of one's speech 3. fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of 4. adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of 5. vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (electromagnetic waves). 
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1 These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium.
2 Please modulate the sound on the TV.
3 These drugs modulate the disease process.
4 An elected committee will meet monthly to modulate the council's energy policy.
5 Some people are able to modulate their voices according to the size of the room in which they speak.
6 At this point the players have to modulate from E to G.
7 The mouth is used to modulate the volume, like a resonator.
8 Sodium intake may modulate both the hypotensive and the renal responses to angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors.
9 Sometimes it would modulate to a hum and at others rise to a shriek according to how hard his heart was pumping.
10 And then the fraught silence would modulate into conciliatory monosyllable, and back to their peaceful co-existence.
11 It can be employed progressively to modulate, by stages, from one shape to another.
12 These transmitters modulate many of the functions impaired by depression - sleep, appetite, motivation, pleasure and so on.
13 It no longer functions to modulate all the elements into perfect harmony.
14 This system could modulate the voice signal effectively.
15 Additionally(, neurons can modulate the activities of glia.
16 Universal switch network and signal modulate circuit are designed.
17 Recommended PFM to modulate and demodulation.
18 drugs that effectively modulate the disease process.
19 Moreover, it has been shown to induce steatosis, modulate apoptosis, and increase cellular oncogenic potential.
20 Cooling of thecerebellum could only modulate but not trigger stepping movements.
21 Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation can modulate visceral hypersensitivity by increasing pain threshold to CRD.
22 P 2 Y receptors may modulate the at peripheral and spinal cord levels.
23 Music students learn how to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.
24 This middle layer has a spatial light modulator that acts as a light valve to modulate the illumination.
25 Concurrently hepatitis delta virus superinfection did not appear to modulate the synthesis and expression of pre-S peptides in the liver.
26 Although glutamate is the presumed mediator,[] other neurotransmitters may modulate its effects.
27 The carrier is introduced by rotating the reference surface to modulate the displacement of an object.
28 This paper provides both vector control and frequency difference control to modulate the system of double motors transmission.
29 The ability of amphiphilic block copolymers that consist of polyethylenimine (PEI) and poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) to modulate the delivery of plasmid DNA was evaluated.
30 Because the habenular nucleus was an important relay from the forebrain to brainstem, the forebrain could modulate the activity of LC through this pathway.
More similar words: emulateregulatespeculatecalculatestimulateejaculatecoagulatecirculateinsulatedmanipulatearticulateemasculateaccumulateimmaculategesticulateinarticulatecongratulateundulantmoderateregulatoradulterateaccommodatecumulativepopulationregulationspeculatorregulatorycalculationspeculationtribulation
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