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Minimize in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+3Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: maximizeSimilar words: minimalminimumdiminishtimingeliminatediminutivepreliminaryministryMeaning: ['mɪnɪmaɪz]  v. 1. make small or insignificant 2. represent as less significant or important 3. cause to seem less serious; play down. 
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121. It hides physical constraints, which makes it easier to minimize the impact of changes to physical resources.
122. Even though closely spaced parallel approaches increase the throughput capacity, an optimal taxiway layout is necessary to minimize gate-runway time and reduce incursions.
123. For example, a manufacturer might require its parts suppliers to be located nearby its assembly plant to minimize the cost of transportation.
124. We propose a sensitivity based approach to minimize the total power consumption using simultaneous Vdd and Vth voltage assignment with gate sizing that take the level shifters into consideration.
125. It is suggested that the length of radial lead-out connections on two ends of the vacuum interrupter should be reduced as far as possible to minimize the influence of external connecting b...
126. Short-term financing objectives include minimize expected cost, trade-off expected cost and systematic risk, and so on.
127. It is of great importance to study EME of three-ring gear transmission to increase loading capacity, minimize design parameters and reduce manufacturing cost.
128. Actual Window Minimizer is a 4MB download that adds an additional button to the most-left of each window's top right pane, where the close, restore, and minimize buttons are located.
129. Seat ring and wedge seating surfaces are set on a 5 degree angle from vertical to minimize sliding contact of the wedge and seat ring during opening and closing.
130. Rolling material support ball is set, to minimize fish tail with sheet bar and to reduce frictional resistance.
131. Howeer, from the regional data, we gained important insights into solutions that would minimize the risk of enrolling a large number of patients who do not hae ragweed-specific disease.
132. Minimize fanout in a class, that is, the product of the number of messages defined by the class and the messages they send.
133. To minimize credit risk to the exchange, traders must post a margin or a performance bond , typically 5%-15% of the contract's value.
133. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
134. Under the condition of permission the idle insert, a job sequence was determined, which minimize the maximum earliness.
135. In a situation where a HD fails, you have a full backup on your second HD, and will minimize server down-time.
136. We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and dairy products.
137. Therefore, in recent scriptwriter can only minimize the focus on this actor's Xifen.
138. To minimize the chance of managing conflicts with other developers, we recommend that developers work on separate components, which correspond to separate physical resources.
139. This device code blank accurate speed, when the code on the blank brick to minimize the damage rate.
140. After the popup menu is created, the main window waits patiently for the user to press minimize button.
141. Ratio of the value of futures contracts purchased or sold to the value of the cash commodity being hedged, a computation necessary to minimize basis risk.
142. Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP) is the production scheduling problem that a single facility manufactured multiple products in order to minimize the total cost of production.
143. The aim is minimize the cost rate in finite - time horizon which from a failure occurrence to a maintenance action is taken.
144. Officials are urging people, especially the elderly to stay in doors and minimize activity.
145. For example, moldings that are to be electroplated, and will be subject to acid solutions during plating, must be made using very slow injection speeds to minimize surface orientation.
146. To help minimize mutex allocation and locking time, the JVM manages a global lock cache and a per-thread lock cache where each cache contains unallocated pthread_mutexes.
147. Mirror lock-up (MLU) is a feature available in some SLR cameras which aims to minimize camera shake induced by mirror-slap (which produces the characteristic snapping sound of SLR cameras).
148. By evaluating the channel distortion and source distortion of all macroblock modes, the optimal macroblock mode is selected adaptively to minimize transmission distortion.
149. The objective is to determine the optimal due-date and schedule simultaneously to minimize the completion time, earliness and tardiness penalties.
150. Based on this, proposed the project scheduling optimization method to minimize the level of the products and the net cost.
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