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Inability in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+4Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: incapabilityincompetenceineptitudeAntonym: abilitySimilar words: sustainabilityabilityviabilityliabilitystabilitydisabilitycapabilitydurabilityMeaning: [ɪnə'bɪlətɪ]  n. 1. lack of ability (especially mental ability) to do something 2. lacking the power to perform. 
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61 Is this to do with our inability as a nation to be direct when there is something unpalatable to say?
62 About his inability to build a chair, Jasper observed that people tend to get tired of chairs.
63 Gary's inability to use his legs means he's had to modify the gliders so he can fly them.
64 People have become frustrated with the inability to get online and the slow speeds of the Internet.
65 The study was limited by researchers' inability to interview patients who were unconscious or not sufficiently alert to give complete answers.
66 Suppose we are interested in deafness defined as the inability to hear some standard sound through headphones.
67 This is another example of the matrix's inability to show transfers within a sector.
68 It is the will of the controlling Labour group and its inability to manage financial affairs.
69 Sometimes we may be able to identify a particular stress or problem which may be affecting us in our inability to sleep.
70 But they differ from normal girls in the extent to which they pursue these activities and their inability to desist from them.
71 One advantage of so large a hall was the inability of all but the most vocal heckler to make himself heard.
72 This indicates that drinking is often a response to an inability to cope with the many losses of old age.
73 Many observers had been much exercised by Woods's inability to take home a trophy from his past six tournaments.
74 It is a lack, a disqualification[], an inability to face the reality of their child's disability.
75 Their relative ineffectiveness, however, was the product of an inability to resolve several cultural and economic dilemmas.
76 Despite my inability to follow my own advice, we wind our way into the heart of the Cerro Colorado Mountains.
77 Coleridge's inability to explain the dome leads him to try and carry the damsel with a dulcimer.
77 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
78 As we will soon see, the inability to make oneself understood properly was at the root of the crisis in Vicos.
79 At this time, however, the Jacksonians were suffering increasing criticism for their inability to end the war.
80 One of the most distressing aspects of spinal injury is an inability to regulate bowel function.
81 Most people stand in awe of these agglomerations of power, admit their inability to fight them, and submit.
82 One consequence of this hub-and-spoke system is the maddening inability to fly direct between seemingly obvious routes.
83 For some time, I wondered whether this might explain an inability to find the Oyster Band wholly digestible.
84 Inability to raise the necessary funds or urgent local demands were the usual reasons for delinquency.
85 This personality disorder is characterised by a lack of guilt and an inability to keep rules or form lasting relationships.
86 He even blamed them for his inability to make friends or establish ongoing relationships.
87 This would explain the pre-eminence of various investment banks over the years and the inability of many new entrants to gain profitability.
88 Voters are becoming frustrated at the inability of the administration to do anything about the debt crisis.
89 Drift-netting is another example of our inability as humans to establish a sustainable relationship with the planet.
90 His inability to keep his hands to himself had led to her resignation.
More similar words: sustainabilityabilityviabilityliabilitystabilitydisabilitycapabilitydurabilityaffabilityequabilityunstabilityinstabilityculpabilitymalleabilityprobabilityreliabilityavailabilityvulnerabilityaccountabilityunpredictabilityrehabilitatemobilityrehabilitationsolubilitygullibilityflexibilitycredibilitysensibilitypossibilityirascibility
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