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Dutch in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+11 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: outcomeon dutywatchpatchpitchcatchbitchswitchMeaning: [dʌtʃ]  n. 1. the people of the Netherlands 2. the West Germanic language of the Netherlands. adj. of or relating to the Netherlands or its people or culture. 
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1. The Dutch fleet is sailing up the Thames.
2. Clogs are part of the Dutch national costume.
3. Don't think that learning Dutch will be a breeze.
4. The Dutch settled in South Africa.
5. Clogs are part of the Dutch traditional costume.
6. The Dutch team impressed the fans with their classy one-touch football.
7. It is stronger in flavour than other traditional Dutch cheeses.
8. The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable.
9. Injuries meant that the Dutch team was below strength for the final.
10. The Dutch fleet captured two English ships.
11. German and Dutch are cognate languages.
12. New York was originally a Dutch trading post.
13. She spoke English with a faint Dutch accent.
14. The glider was in Dutch airspace.
15. Steve's married to a lovely Dutch girl.
16. These instructions are written in double Dutch.
17. The Dutch team have dropped to fifth place.
18. The British and Dutch belong to the same race.
19. The vase was sold to a Dutch buyer.
20. The plane was packed with Dutch holidaymakers.
21. The Dutch fleet are sailing up the Thames.
22. The Dutch successfully transplanted trees to the East Indies.
23. The Dutch annihilated the Olympic champions 5-0.
24. They were the direct descendants of the Dutch settlers.
25. English and Dutch are kindred languages.
26. Louis is virtually bilingual in Dutch and German.
27. When the island became independent(sentencedict .com),( only a few Dutch teachers and nurses remained to keep the flag flying.
28. Dutch colonial authorities imprisoned him for his part in the independence movement.
29. In June 1667, England suffered a humiliating defeat by the Dutch.
30. I was afraid of having to tell my wife about what had happened, so I went to the pub to get some Dutch courage.
More similar words: outcomeon dutywatchpatchpitchcatchbitchswitchstretchpitchercatch onscratchkitchencatchesstretch outswitch offswitch oncatch firewatch out forcatch up with
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