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Event in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+53Posted:2016-07-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: episodeexperiencehappeningincidentoccurrenceSimilar words: seventheventuallyin any eventeven thoughpreventionin the event ofevenelevenMeaning: [ɪ'vent]  n. 1. something that happens at a given place and time 2. a special set of circumstances 3. a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory 4. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. 
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(121) The event did not live up to expectations.
(122) We are planning a follow-up to today's event.
(123) It was an event that would transform my life.
(124) The event is still fresh in most people's minds.
(125) In either event, I'll be there to support you.
(126) The event came to a close with a disco.
(127) The event helped to crystallize my thoughts.
(128) The press had been deliberately excluded from the event.
(129) A record number of teams have entered the event.
(130) John's account of the event directly contradicts Stephen's.
(131) The event is open to all comers.
(132) A most unwelcome event claimed his attention.
(133) In that event you must do as he says.
(134) Outside big cities[], murder is a rare event.
(135) Her wedding was the event of the year.
(136) In either event you will benefit.
(137) They leafleted the area two weeks before the event.
(138) She was witness to the tragic event.
(139) The event attracted many famous names from the past.
(140) It is often difficult to discern the truth of an event from a newspaper report.
(141) They called the event "a tribute to heroes"[], which was a nice touch.
(142) Due to lack of response the event has been cancelled.
(143) I might go home next month, but in any event, I'll be home for Christmas.
(144) The event will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities.
(145) The event has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
(146) Many people think that the race has been a dirty event for years.
(147) The film festival is acknowledged as an event of international importance.
(148) The event will be held in the grounds of the manor house.
(149) The media still regards women's sport as a sideshow to the main event.
(150) The royal wedding was 'the social event of the year.
More similar words: seventheventuallyin any eventeven thoughpreventionin the event ofeveneleveneven noweven ifrevenueeven wheninventventureinventioninventoryconventionconventionalinterventiondevelopmentdevelopmentalentertainmentsentimentovenvendorvendettagive noticeeverconveniencefever
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