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Distributary in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: distributedistributeddistributordistributiondistricttributetribunalattributeMeaning: [dɪ'strɪbjʊtərɪ]  n. a branch of a river that flows away from the main stream and does not rejoin it. 
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1. A main feeder lava tunnel often branches towards the terminus of a flow rather like the distributaries of a river delta.
2. A distributary overflows its banks.
3. The distributary deposits is the reservoir sands.
4. We should establish distributary detention system, separated arresting system, judicial investigation system to detention and separated system of investigation organs and detention house.
5. Near the distributary channel, coal layer divarication and pinch-out, with high ash content, and transition to clastic rock.
6. Five sedimentary microfacies including underground river distributary, debouch bar, frontal sheet sand, sand-shale alternating layer, front fan-delta-deep water lake deposits are identified.
6. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. Coal measttres distribution has a complementary relationship with distributary channel.
8. Microfacies of the delta front include subaqueous distributary channel, channel mouth bar, distal bar, subaqueous levee, frontal sheet sand, and interdistributary bay.
9. Multi - set of fan - delta , distributary channel and delta - front sand bodies of Jurassic and Cretaceous are favorible reservoirs.
10. So, the question of personal deposits distributary becomes the urgent task facing us.
11. High sinuosity distributary sands micro-facies, whose sands body is relatively large, and the distributary channel sands body is the product of laterally aggradational deposit.
12. The North Channel is the north distributary of the second order bifurcation and one of the Changjiang Estuary's main channels into the sea.
13. Distributary plain facies sands body: 1). Meandering sands micro-facies, which represents large low sinuosity meandering disposition, and the channel sands is very large.
14. As the distributary - mouth area progrades, these bar sands develop into the bar - finger sands.
15. Aim To analyze the interlayer of the underwater distributary channel using the well log curve.
16. A case study is made for low sinuosity of distributary channel sand body.
17. The identification mark was the sorted microfacies combination of underwater distributary channel , mouth bar and distal bar [], where the structural characteristics of sediment were dominant.
18. RESULTS The ordinary styles of respiratory insufficiency which is caused by brain trauma are respiratory inhibition, neurogenic pneumonedema, impedient distributary and pulmonary infection.
19. The Jurassic of Junggar basin is a river delta sedimentary system, with subaqueous distributary channel and mouth bar sand body developed in the hinterland of Junggar basin.
20. Lithic associations composed chiefly of quartzose sandstones were developed in delta plains and delta distributary channels with good physical properties to provide available reservoir space.
21. Through comprehensive study on the cores and well logs, the author believes that the sandstone mainly comes from subaquatic distributary channel and mouth-bar.
22. Sand bodies served as reservoirs in the study area are mainly underwater distributary channel sands, channel-mouth bar sands, front sheet bar sands and far bar sands.
23. Cuspate deltaic sands micro-facies, which formed at the time of powerful wave action, the continuity of marine distributary channel is bad, and distributes in cuspate shape.
24. The favourable reservoir sandstones in these gas pools may broadly be assigned to the deltaic front channel mouth bar, deltaic plain distributary channel bar and fluvial channel bar microfacies.
25. Prograding bar - finger sand bodies are over - ridden by distributary channels as the shoreline retreats.
26. Detection distributing is one kind of important criminal prosecution distributary.
27. To reduce induced voltage on cables it's the first time this dissertation adopt the distributary methods which a branch grounding wire flows away from the main grounding wires.
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