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Descended in a sentence

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Sentence count:208+24Posted:2017-02-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: condescenddescenddescendantcondescensiondescentcrescendotranscendentsenescent
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91. The house descended through the male heirs for three centuries.
92. She was so poor that she descended to begging for her food.
93. She descended the ladder.
94. Slowly the two climbers descended the cliff face.
95. Guerrillas descended from the Lacandon Volcano in Quetzaltenago.
96. Once past 30 he swiftly descended into alcoholism.
97. Man appears to be descended from patrilineal ancestors.
98. All Gauls claimed to be descended from him.
99. Then they descended again to the concourse.
100. Stu's mother is descended from Cherokee Indians.
101. It seemed a poor thing to have descended to.
102. A hush descended over the crowd.
103. We descended into the cave by a rope ladder.
104. Her children descended on me in a fury.
105. On seeing me standing in defiance, arms folded and apparently so cool-looking, a hush descended.
106. The University of Edinburgh's most famous dropout, Charles Darwin, pointed out that human beings are descended from animals.
107. Ba'al was thought to have descended into the earth and the sacrifices and energy invigorated him and brought about his resurrection.
108. Dozens of officers descended when one convoy stopped in a lay-by.
109. As Microsoft ascended to prominence and Apple descended to the depths, the licensing debate among Mac users rose in volume.
110. A wall of silence has now descended over the key players.
111. Jesse Jackson descended upon Hollywood to protest the almost total absence of black and minority nominees.
112. The family was an illegitimate branch of the Yorkshire Hoptons,( being descended from Sir Robert Swillington by his mistress Joan Hopton.
113. When the world descended on Sydney last month it was with trepidation.
114. A great heat wave descended; it was a beautiful day, the sun turned red at three.
115. The top of Hong Kong Hill rose above the horizon on our right as I descended below it.
116. The winds at lower altitudes have been measured at a few locations by landers as they descended through the atmosphere.
117. Twenty-five minutes later Duncan descended through the thick-formed low-hanging stratus cloud and landed uneventfully on Sheremetyevo's Runway 23 Left.
118. Slowly I descended the stairs and went out into the courtyard.
119. As a result, a heavy dose of reality has descended on the Buchanan campaign.
120. In the third story, men are descended from a race of stone.
More similar words: condescenddescenddescendantcondescensiondescentcrescendotranscendentsenescentquiescentadolescentevanescentascendendedacquiescenceobsolescencebehind the scenesextendedfertile crescentsuspendedapprehendedphosphorescentindependentindependencebe independent ofscentsceneacquiesceascentdescribeconvalesce
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