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Apprehended in a sentence

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Sentence count:61+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: apprehendcomprehensivecomprehensioncomprehensibleextendedappreciateappreciationapprenticeshipMeaning: [‚æprɪ'hend]  adj. fully understood or grasped. 
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1. The police have finally apprehended the killer.
2. The police apprehended the burglars.
3. Police have not apprehended her killer.
4. The police apprehended the criminal.
5. She apprehended the complicated law very quickly.
6. The police apprehended an armed suspect near the scene of the crime.
7. The thief was apprehended in the act of stealing a car.
8. Who's the most depraved character you've apprehended?
9. The danger apprehended that quack nostrums in public policy can be forced upon the voters by demagogues is demonstrably nonexistent.
10. After several days however, with nobody apprehended, the papers indulged in a little poetic licence.
11. Suddenly he was apprehended by an irate Scout master who took a dim view of being woken at such an hour.
12. The attackers were apprehended by an unknown passerby, who chased the three youths and recovered the stolen bicycle.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. If apprehended by hacienda workers they are required to work a set number of days without pay on the hacienda.
14. That we made it through Taos without being apprehended seems astonishing.
15. Agents at the Interstate 8 station apprehended more than 3,100 undocumented workers.
16. The two men were later apprehended after they robbed another store.
17. The moneys were paid over by the plaintiffs to avoid the apprehended consequence of a refusal to submit to the authority.
18. But agents say that the longer the immigrants are on foot, the greater the chance of them being apprehended.
19. Walker was at liberty for many years before the police apprehended him.
20. But this actual universe is a universe of particularity and consciously apprehended uniqueness.
21. The police had been called and, following her description, a young man had been apprehended.
22. Another charge, relating to the release of some rioters apprehended during an attack on a prison, was dropped.
23. Then he filed a lawsuit against Stores Protective Association and Robinsons-May, where the shoplifter was apprehended by security guards.
24. This was one factor influencing the way in which the teachings of Arnold and his successors were actually apprehended.
25. In any other part of the country(, police would have apprehended the drug dealers in a series of dawn raids.
26. After the local police were alerted, a man was apprehended suspected to be disturbing the terns and collecting their eggs.
27. Talk of molecules does not undermine the reality of consciously apprehended beauty and meaning.
28. On the other hand, they are less likely to be apprehended or detained by the police for drug and/or non-drug offences.
29. The direct realist sees beauty and meaning in the things themselves, to be profoundly or superficially, deeply or shallowly apprehended.
30. In gratitude for his heroic efforts over Henry the police had apprehended Duggie on the towpath.
More similar words: apprehendcomprehensivecomprehensioncomprehensibleextendedappreciateappreciationapprenticeshipforeheadrehearseindependentindependencebe independent ofapprovemindedappraiseapprovalapproachapprove ofapproximateappropriateconfoundedsurroundedapproximatelyoppressortendergendersenderrenderoffender
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