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Torah in a sentence

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Sentence count:35+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: oratororatorystorageoratoriolaboratorypastoralismrestorationelectoral collegeMeaning: ['təʊrə /'tɔːrə]  n. 1. the whole body of the Jewish sacred writings and tradition including the oral tradition 2. the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit 3. (Judaism) the scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written; is used in a synagogue during services. 
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1. The Torah is the basis for all the Jewish laws and their moral code .
2. As a boy, he had studied Torah with my grandfather.
3. From the Torah the translation was later extended to the rest of the Bible.
4. Her father is learned in the Torah, and his daughter might as well be a Gentile.
5. The thieves slipped the Torah scroll from the case and left the metal decoration on steps near the synagogue.
6. The Torah leaves the identity of this Pharaoh unstated.
7. Torah doesn't prohibIt'sincere, healthy needs.
8. Torah obligates the husband to meet the sexual needs of his wife.
9. Easy speech , the pressure is a torah to exist and the entity habit that torah enforce.
10. The Torah uses familiar terms to allegorically to express God's relation to His creation.
11. Which books of the Torah are missing from this list? - EXODUS NUMBERS and DEUTERONOMY.
12. The motive of the torah operation lies in the pressure.
13. Torah demands that one verbally admit the transgression, to say it out loud.
14. The Torah ends with Moses' final blessing to the people, after which he ascended Mount Nebo, which is identified with Mount Pisgah , on the eastern edge of the Jordan River.
15. We have been discussing the Torah, or Pentateuch,( and now we are moving on to the section of the Bible that is referred to as the Prophets.
16. At the back of the synagogue, a pair of Persian carpets hangs alongside the cabinet that houses the Torah scrolls.
17. Goldlettered verses of the Koran are etched into the walls, overlooking wooden arks whose velvet curtains conceal Torah scrolls.
18. Then they work up ingenious explanations for why the Torah doesn't mean what it clearly says.
19. They wrestle with ways to reconcile pluralism with the absolute Truth of the Torah.
20. Women and men sharing the service and much erudite discussion of the Torah text.
21. At this time the father dedicates his son to the study of the Torah or to the rabbinate.
22. This style of writing is known as STA"M (an abbreviation for "Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot, " which is where you will see that style of writing.
23. "We will use the term Mexican flu in order not to have to pronounce the word swine," said Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman of the ultra-religious United Torah Judaism party.
24. The Hebrews learned how to live together from the teachings of the Torah, which underscore many of our current Judeo-Christian cultural norms.
25. Jews gather at the Western Wall to read the Torah during a bar mitzvah celebration.
26. In synagogues, the bema (or bimah) is a raised platform with a reading desk from which the Torah and passages from the Prophets are read.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. When Saints Peter and Paul came to Rome, the Torah was already being read and the Sabbath observed in the capital of the Roman Empire.
28. With Matthew what you get is this: Matthew teaches that a Torah observant form of discipleship to Jesus.
29. Lilith herself appears only in Jewish apocrypha texts-- she is in neither the Torah or the Bible.
30. In fact most Christians today would be hard-pressed to name a handful of the 613 commandments that form the backbone of the Torah.
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