Synonym: cadaver, clay, remains, stiff. Similar words: corporate, incorporate, corporation, habeas corpus, upset, glimpse, synapse, collapse. Meaning: [kɔːps] n. the dead body of a human being.
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121. The opened battered mouth of the corpse bothered him.
122. The bloated corpse was taken from the river.
123. Exhume Corpses Upgrade - This upgrade allows Meat Wagons to generate corpses like a Graveyard. A new corpse is generated every X seconds and is placed inside their cargo. CURRENTLY NOT ACTIVE.
124. A few hours later Tarhouni sped by convoy to the war-ravaged town of Misurata to formally identify the bloodied and beaten corpse of his tormenter on behalf of the rebel leaders.
125. Senegal has decided to tow the corpse - laden MS Joola to its own territorial waters.
126. Guangwu sent envoys condole, reflected in its four walls, only the cloth covered the corpse, the number of barley Gok, a broken car.
127. This dance of death which sounds so musically was sure intended for the corpse de ballet.
128. One clip showed a reporter approaching a freshly burned corpse, covering his nose with his shirt and breezily remarking: "It smells like barbecue."
129. Another example comes complete with a picture of a gibbet and dangling corpse.
130. Such hopes for housing would smack of an effort to reanimate a corpse, had the bust not so far outpaced the boom.
131. Send your corpse on a tour of museums 'round the world with plastination, developed by German scientist Gunther von Hagens.
132. Aa pall , used to represent the corpse at a requiem Mass celebrated after the burial.
133. Passing a person again, in the past, Wagankang, carefully burying the corpse.
134. When you get near to your corpse (30 yards or so), you will see nearby monsters ghost in, so you can pick a good spot to re-incorporate and not die again immediately.
135. Without a good family, an individual away inside like a corpse without innards.
136. Article 7 If citizen dies in this municipality, the corpse shall be cremated, except the person of the minority who may be inhumed as provided by the State.
137. A vampire in the grave could be told by holes in the earth, an undecomposed corpse with a red face, or having one foot in the corner of the coffin.
138. Learn what materials and supplies you need to make a fake corpse for Halloween in this free Halloween props video.
139. The smell of musth and urine , of fresh death, hung over the mound of the corpse.
140. Level 1 - Progenerates a revenant from a corpse. Has 350 hit points and deals 29 damage. Takes 33% less damage from spells.
141. Nichols also was convicted of hiding a corpse and a felon a firearm.
142. Master Chew detected the first location ( Location A ) of the corpse - bath water at the side walkway.
143. A large white winding - sheet covered the corpse and partly outlined its misshapen contours.
144. The clothing is applicable to personnel and transporting porters for the tidying treatment of putrescent corpse on the disaster site.
145. The next witness proved the finding of the knife near the corpse.
146. Blood suck ghost, other name hemophagia corpse, in fable eternal life not old supernatural not dead biology.
147. An article on Newsvine nicely illuminates its readers on the future of corpse disposal: melted in a vat of lye into a brown, feculent sludge, then flushed down the
148. On Easter morning she went with two other women anoint the corpse found the tomb empty.
149. It was here that in May 2007 another reindeer herder stumbled on the corpse of a perfectly preserved female baby woolly mammoth – which he named Lyuba, after his wife.
150. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments.